11. Make me

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A/n: I now present to you the chapter you all have been waiting for!

After he closed the door behind us he pushed me against the door. He continued kissing me and our tongues intertwined. He slowly ran his hands up my torso. We broke away from the kiss just for a moment to take a breath of air. Enoch rested his forehead on mine.

I looked past him for just a moment to look out the window. Ms. Peregrine had reset the day but I could still hear a bit of music playing downstairs as the party continued.

Enoch pulled me away from the door and grabbed my waist with one arm. I put my hands on his face and pulled him onto another kiss. A kiss filled with so much hunger. He bit my lip and I moaned slightly. The pain was so enjoyable. I felt Enoch smile. He pulled away again and leaned our foreheads together.

"You like that?" he whispered,"and take off that stupid hat."

"Take off your stupid sweater,"I replied.

Enoch smirked and put his mouth next to my ear,"make me."

Two words. Make me. That's all it took for me to do it.

I ripped off the hat and he ripped off his sweater and bow tie. I quickly unzipped my tall boots making me even shorter than him. He grabbed my waist again and I unbuttoned his shirt and revealed rock hard abs. I was so surprised. He never struck me as the type to work out. Maybe he learned something from Victor.

He unzipped my corset and threw it into the clothing pile we have created. He unbuttoned his pants and threw me onto his bed. He laid on top of me and kissed down my neck. He sucked on it for a while until I suddenly felt him bite me. I let out a moan and he quickly covered my mouth.

"Shhh! They just went to sleep. Thin walls."

I nodded and he kissed me to keep me quiet. He kept going down on me for a while. "You have no idea how long I wanted to do this." He looks into my eyes one last time before he kisses my neck. "Are you ready?" I nod my head.  I gasp as he slowly thrusts into me. I felt him bite my neck to distract the pain of him inside me. He started to go faster and I grabbed his pillow to cover my mouth so my moans didn't wake anyone. I never wanted it to end. I felt so alive with him. I was never gonna leave his side after tonight.

~~~~~~~~time skip

I woke up a little dazed almost like I was drunk. Enoch was happily asleep still. I laid there in his arms for a minute before I tried to wiggle my way out. I was almost free when he pulled me closer to him. "Where do you think your going?" His Scottish voice was raspy and sounded really sexy. He kissed my forehead,"Good morning."

"Good morning." Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"It's Horace. I want my hat back now."

I sit up,"one sec, be right there."

Enoch sits up after me,"Y/n, your not wearing-"

I stand up and look down. Um..oops?

I turn around and face Enoch. He blushes and covers his eyes. "Why would you turn around?"

"I don't know what to do!"

I take his blanket but hes not wearing anything either. I drop the blanket and cover my eyes. Enoch opened his,"why did you do that?"

"I thought you were wearing something!"

"Why would I be if your not!"

I put my hands on my hips,"actually you got a point there."

I then remember Horace is at the door. I run over to it frantically and open it just a crack.

"Horace! Hi!"

"Can I have my hat, darling?" He tries to look past me for his hat. I move my head so he can't see into the room.

"Yeah! Give me 5 minutes. I close the door as fast as possible but then quickly reopen it,"how did you know I was in here?"

"You weren't in you room this morning so-"

I shut the door in his face and turned to Enoch's wardrobe. I open it using my telekinesis. I grab the first shirt I see and put it on. He's already dressed by the time I walk back to the door and reopen it.

I was about to unlatch it when Enoch stepped in front of me holding Horace's hat. "I got it, you get dressed."

I put on some of my clothes from last night and Enoch walks out to talk with Horace. I step out with the rest of my clothes in my hand and slide out the door past Enoch. Horace notices I'm wearing Enoch's shirt and follows me into my room. I'm okay with Horace being in my room while I change sometimes. Mostly because he's gay. Victor is bi but I don't think either one of them knows the other is. I find them to be less compatible anyway, or are they?

Horace sits on my bed and places his hat on his head. "So...you slept together?!" I fished through my closet and put on some pants and a bra. "Um..yeah, I guess we did sleep together."

I rebutton Enoch's shirt that I'm wearing and walk out of my room. Horace followed me down stairs. "Dude I'm hungry. What's for breakfast?"

"You missed breakfast. Ms. Peregrine said not to go get you and that you had, and I quote, an eventful night."

I gulped at the quote and Horace gasped,"You really did do the FRICKLE FRACKLE! I thought you just fell asleep!"

(A/n: credit to @blushingbutterflies for that beautiful word)

I turned around and covered his mouth. "You can not say a word. I'm gonna go make a sandwich."

"Lunch is in 30 minutes so I would just wait."

"Wait- what time is it?"

"I just said 30 before lunch."

I rolled my eyes and walked down the hall to see Olive and Enoch being awfully close. Maybe too close after what happened last night.

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