2. Who?

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A/n: I will be posting mphfpc memes at the start of every chapter.

I woke up to the sound of the ferry horn, meaning we had just docked. I grabbed my suitcase and walked off the ferry. I had no idea where to go so I walked along the beach. As I kept walking I found a cave. I wasn't too fond of darkness but I walked in anyway. I guess my curiosity got the best of me.

As I kept walking I started to hear voices, or really, thoughts. I got startled by the voice so I ran out of the cave and hid behind a large rock. Five people and a floating hat walked out of the cave. They all were dressed in 40's attire except for two of them who were covered head to toe in matching white outfits.

Suddenly, the floating hat spotted me behind the rock. "There she is!"

I started to get up and run but I tripped over my suitcase. "Are you alright?" the girl with red hair and black gloves asked. "I-I'm okay," I stated. "I'm Y/n."

"I'm Olive!" she said in a cheerful manner. "That's Bronwyn,"she pointed to the girl lifting my bag with one hand,"Emma, and the twins."

"Whats with the floating hat?" I asked.

"I'm not a floating hat! My name is Millard," he sounded quite frustrated.

"Well maybe if you wore clothes you wouldn't be so angry," Emma gave him a look.

"I am wearing clothes this time!"

'This time?' I thought. All I could hear is Millard complain in his head about having to wear clothes. We walked through the cave and walked to the home I would be staying in. We continued walking around and I noticed how everything was in the 1940's. Like the whole island was stuck in time. And the gloomy weather changed to a cheerful blue sky. I was too nervous to ask about the dramatic change so I continued to follow them in silence. I walked through a large gate to reveal a grand house with such a remarkable design. As soon as we got to the door it had opened and revealed a woman in her late 20's smoking a pipe.

"Hello, y/n, you're right on time," she stuck out her hand,"Ms. Peregrine, delighted to meet you."

I shook her hand as she ushered me to come inside. She took me to my new room first which I will be sharing with Emma. I put my stuff down and walk out the door. I walk out to the garden and meet everyone. I first met Hugh and Fiona, who were thinking about each other, Horace was thinking about clothes. Claire was thinking about a tea party she wanted me to join later.

When I walked past Bronwyn I heard her thinking about Victor and how much she cares about him. She also hated how Enoch was so grumpy. 'Who?' I thought. Bronwyn looked up a bit and I realized she heard my thoughts. I walked away swiftly and she never noticed I was there.

I found Olive and I asked her about Enoch. She said he's usually in his room playing with dolls. 'Dolls?' I pondered. Olive lead me to his room and went back downstairs. I hold my hand up to the door and pause for a second. I knock once before I hear a thick Scottish accent.

"What do you want?"

"I-I just got here-"

The door swings open. "That's not what I asked. What do you want?"

His eyes widen just slightly as he looks at me but then he starts to glare in an attempt to cover it up. "I just wanted to meet you. I already met everyone else."

"Okay. My name is Enoch O'Conner. Now go away." He slams the door in my face. 'She's so pretty,' I heard him think as I'm about to walk away.

I stare at the door and it unlocks and pushes itself open.

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