12. Nothing is as it seems

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After lunch I decided to go the the beach. I grabbed my favorite boogie board which is the only one I have left. I once tried to teach Bronwyn but she got frustrated and snapped my extra board in half. She tried her best to repair it but didn't do a very good job and now it's unusable. She still feels bad about it even though I told her I forgave her.

I put on my favorite swim suit and took one foot out the front door. Horace jumped in front of me. "I'm going with you." He grabbed my hand and started pulling me along.

" Horace where are you taking me? You don't even know where I'm going!"

"Trust me, darling, I know exactly where your headed. It's where were going to have dinner too! I also need a break. My fingers hurt from the needles. It's really hard to make a suit from scratch."

I chuckle and keep walking to the beach. When we get there a chair and a towel are set up already. Horace sits in the chair and takes off his socks and shoes. "I new you would forget a towel so I brought you an extra."

" Horace, what would I do without you?"

He chuckles and I run into the water. I find the best wave to ride while making sure I don't go in too far. Horace splashed around a bit but usually only making sure I stay close to shore. Just like how my mom used to.

Sometimes I miss her but the peculiars are my home now. I know that doesn't change my past but at least my future is here. My friends are my family. And plus, I have Horace as a mom and Millard as a therapist. Also the emo Scottish troll.

A few hours pass without me or Horace noticing. The rest of the children and the bird join us at the beach. Enoch arrived last.

I got out of the water in shock at what he was wearing. Shorts and the usual button down, but the sleeves were rolled up and his shirt was unbuttoned but only by one button. I want to bite my lip but Ms. P would notice so I just winked. I was too far out so he didn't see it. As some of the kids were coming in I grabbed my board and can to shore. Enoch was standing on the dry sand. I walked up to him soaking wet.

"Hey, are you gonna come in?"

He glanced to the side, "actually I was hoping to see you surf or whatever."

I clicked my tongue , "it's called boogie boarding, and what your wearing is unusual for you."

He leaned up to my ear, " and you don't think what your wearing isn't sexy enough for me? I heard what you were thinking." He winked at me and his Scottish accent sent shivers down my spine. I blushed and ran back out into the water. Olive went right up to Enoch and at first I didn't think twice about it.

~~~~~~~time skip

After we finished dinner Ms. Peregrine left with the twins and Claire and Bronwyn to reset the day and made Horace and Emma in charge of the rest of the children since Emma couldn't really enjoy the water because of her boots and Horace because he didn't want to ruin his outfit.

It was getting pretty dark and I got out of the water. Everyone else left the water and started to walk back. I went to look for Enoch and Olive to bring them back to the home. Horace said they had gone for a walk. I walked for a little while until I had found them.

I was devastated and felt betrayed at what I saw. I was a few yards away but I knew what I saw.

Olive was kissing Enoch.

Their lips were touching and their eyes were closed. He was grabbing her waist and her hands were on his face. Suddenly Enoch pushed her away. They both looked at me, standing soaking wet in a towel staring in shock. Olive giggles and Enoch just stared. Complete guilt washed over his face.

I start to cry. Enoch walks to me, "Y/n, it's not what it looks like."

I shove him and he takes a step back, my salt water tears burning as they run down my face, "no! This is exactly what this looks like. You fucked me last night and then you kiss Olive?!"

Olive goes into shock, "wait you two act-"

"Can it, Olive!" I scream at her. She shuts up quick and looks down at the ground.

" Enoch how could you do this to me? I loved you and this is what I get in return? "

I turn around and storm off and Enoch tried to go after me. He managed to grab my arm. "Y/n wait-"

"No! Get off me!" I turn back around to smack him. I got him right across his face and he fell upon impact. I whip back around again and run to the house. I can barely see because of my tears.

Enoch POV:

Olive tries to help me up from the ground. I shove her off of me and rage fills my mind. Olive is the sweetest person I know but she made me loose everything. Or at least my everything.

"Olive what is wrong with you? Why did you kiss me?"

" Because I love you, Enoch, and that is what you do when you love someone! "

"Well for your information, Olive, the person I love just ran away crying because of you! And I already kissed her! Multiple times!"

"Why didn't you say that before I kissed you?"

I didn't know how to respond to that. I didn't know why I didn't say that I loved y/n. I don't know why I didn't stop the kiss.

"I don't know! You're too fragile! I didn't want to hurt you! "

"You didn't want to hurt me, so you rather hurt the person you love?"

That hit me like a ton of bricks. I started running.

"Enoch, where are you going? Were you even listening to me?"

I ignored her and kept running. I could feel the gears turning inside my mind.

Y/ n POV

I sat on my bed crying while Emma, Millard and Horace tried to call me down.

Millard gave me a huge invisi-hug and Horace was wiping my tears. Emma had made me tea but I can't drink it yet because I haven't bought my breath yet from crying.

"I loved him." I said between sobs, " I even had sex with him! "

Millard sat behind me and hugged me from behind. I leaned back and rested my head on his chest. It was so comforting and he was so gentle. "I know," was his only response. He laced his fingers with mine and I stopped sobbing for a moment.

(A/n:I decided to age up Millard to like 14-15. In the movie he's about 12 and in the book he's 16.)

Horace held my hands, "you don't need him. You don't need him." He said that for at least two minutes straight and took a sip of my tea.

I snatched the tea from him and drank it. Horace pouted. Emma placed it into my nightstand for me. I relaced my fingers with Millard. I didn't want to let him go.

Victor walks into my room and almost breaks down my door. Which was locked. "Victor Bruntley, at your service!" He saluted to me and I giggled a bit. Horace looked at Victor and blushed. Victor blushed back at him. I was the only person in the whole house who knew their secrets and had to do something.

" Hey um...maybe you guys should go. It's getting kinda late and I'm tired from crying. " Emma looked at me with concern, "Y/n are you sure?" I nodded my head in response.

Everyone left as Millard started to get up. I grabbed his wrist and he turned around. "Can you stay for a bit longer?" He sat back down on my bed and hugged me. I layed my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

Inner Thoughts - Enoch O'Conner x readerWhere stories live. Discover now