17. Lilly? Mom?...also Mort?

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Y/n pov

The next morning I woke up with Enoch next to me. He didn't want to leave my side after we found out I was going to have a baby. The past few night I have had a really bad feeling about everything. I had a feeling something very unexpected is going to happen. I decided to sleep in later and had Enoch wake me for lunch.

I got up around 11pm just before lunch to get dressed and I walked down stairs. I was waiting at the top of the stairs when there was a knock at the door. I stared at the door and Horace joined me at the top of the stairs. Ms. Peregrine opened the door, "Hello dear! It's so good to see you! How is the 90's?"

After the bird embraced the person she was talking to and moved away we could both clearly see her face with a bright smile.

"Mom?" I asked.

" Lilly?" Horace gasped loudly enough that everyone came rushing to the front door.

We looked at each other. "Lilly?" I said surprised.

" Mom?" His eyes widened and his mouth dropped.

My mom looked up and said, "Hi, honey! I'm just gonna be visiting for a bit." She did the mom wave thing. You know what I'm talking about.

Horace raced down stairs and hugged my mom, "my dear Lilly! I've missed you so much!"

"Horace I've missed you too! You look the same!"

"You dont!" He laughed and my mom chuckled. "I missed you so much darling! I wish you could stay forever."

Enoch appeared out of nowhere,"at least you came back."

" Wait, hold up, everybody stop." All heads turned to me,"how do you all know my mom?"

"Lilly is your mother?" most of them said in unison , including Enoch.

I walk up to my mom and give her a side hug. "Oh. Now I see the resemblance," said Millard.

I looked at my mom,"you clearly have some catching up to do. I'm gonna go grab a book."

She nodded and I started to walk up the stairs. I turned around for a second to see her hugging Enoch, who had a pretty large grin for a sarcastic grumpy person like him. Then my mom picked up Claire and walked off into the garden with Ms. Peregrine and the rest of the children.

I turned back around and continued to walk upstairs and into the hallway. As soon as I walk into my room I gasped and felt myself be suctioned into a dark and infinite room. "Hello? Where am I?"

A raspy voice called from afar, "youuu mussst chooose."

" Choose? What do I chose? " I called out.

"Yourrrr babyyy orr youuu." The voice called. I spun around looking for the the one who was calling me. There was no one there.

" Where am I? "

"Youu, sweeet child, are in the reallm of thooooughtsss. A placcccce where you unlock you true pooooweeeer."

"What is my true power?"

"You will knoww when you chooose. Only one shall paaaaassssss."

"Pass? Pass what?"

"Pass through liffffe. Choose wrong and you could be stuck hereeee."

Suddenly I hear coughing and I raise an eyebrow. "Ahem. Sorry bout that."

A man with a British accent steps out of the shadows, "Ello, nice to meet you. I am Mort. Welcome to the realm of thoughts. I don't get many visitors so would you like to sit down for a cup of tea while we chat?"

Inner Thoughts - Enoch O'Conner x readerWhere stories live. Discover now