13. I'm what?

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A/n: I ran out of memes to post so I'll try to find some more.

I woke up the next morning with an arm around me and my fingers laced with someone else's. I open my eyes and look around the room and there's no one there. "Good morning!" I hear a raspy voice say. " ...Millard? Where are you?" I question.

"I'm right next to you, silly. I guess we fell asleep after you finished crying last night." He let go of my hand and I turned around in my sheets to face him. I squinted at him. "Oh right! Your invisible. I always forget that."

He chuckled, "did you think you could magically see me I'm the morning?"

I sit up and immediately get a horrid headache. I feel like my head is about to explode when it mysteriously disappears. "Are you alright?" Millard asks. I nod my head in response, "I just had the worst headache."

"Maybe this could help." He sat up and kissed my forehead. His lips are so gentle and soft. I could tell he was blushing by how quickly he put on his hat and sweater vest after. "Um, I should probably get going." He starts to walk to the door. I stand up and point to him.

"Wait. I got an important question." Millard turns around to face me. "How old are you?"

"87. Why do you ask?"

" How old is Enoch? "

"118. Why is this important?"

I gasp, " I SLEPT WITH A 118 YEAR OLD MAN?!"

"If thats how you interpret it."

" AND AN 87 YEAR OLD?! "

"Technically we didn't actually sleep together you fell asleep in my arms and I also passed out. "


" I'm a little offended by that. What's Burger King?"

I stop screaming and look him dead in the eyes, kind of. "Oh yeah, Burger King hasn't been invented yet."

He shakes his head and walks out of my room with a chuckle. 'Your both kinda hot for two old guys,' I thought. He didn't hear my thoughts. I couldn't read his. Somethings not right.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip

I get dressed and go to breakfast. Millard sits next to me. Horace sit across from me. Enoch never showed up and Olive looked as if she was about to cry. Everyone else was silent.

Fiona was the first to talk, "Y/n, can you pass the salt please?" I nodded my head and stuck out my hand so the salt would come to me. It didn't.

I tried again. Nothing happened. I shook my hand nervously chuckled. The same thing happened. I tried my other hand. Nothing. Everyone stared at me.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Ms. Peregrine looked very concerned. Millard grabbed the salt and gave it to Fiona. "I'm okay, Ms. Peregrine." I continued eating like nothing happened.

Did I lose my peculiarity? Is that even possible?

Suddenly I felt a loud grumble in my stomach. My eyes widened. I looked up at Horace. "Uh-oh," was all he said.

I got up and ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. I think I was in there for about an hour with my head in the toilet. Ms. Peregrines was in there with me rubbing my back. Emma brought a large glass of water. Horace was covering his mouth and looked like I had just died. I felt like I did.

When I had finished I fell over and landed on the cold tile floor. The coldness was so soothing until Victor picked me up and carried me to my room. I drank the full glass of water Emma had and sat up on my bed like nothing happened. Ms. Peregrine rushed everyone out of my room to let me rest.

A little while after Olive knocked on my door. I thought it was Emma so I let her in. I have her a glare. "What do you want Olive?"

" Y/n, I know your mad at me, but I think I know what's happened to you. "

I patted beside me signaling for her to sit on my bed. She quickly sat down and held a book out in front of her. "This is a journal my mother kept. It's also the only thing I have left of her." She flipped it open to a specific page. " I want you to read this. I think it might be helpful to you."

I started reading the journal entry.

The strangest thing happened to me. I completely lost my peculiarity. I'm very scared. I stared to throw up a lot. Mother told me I must be with child. I thought It was impossible but it is very true. How am I going to tell him? What to do? But for now I hope my peculiarity comes back. Mother went through the same thing and that it should come back in a few weeks. I sure hope she's right. I hope it's a girl though. I would like to name her Olive. I always liked that name.

I closed the journal and looked up at a smiling Olive. "Do you really think I'm...?"

She nodded her head in response. I gasped and frantically fished through my nightstand. I found what I needed and grabbed Olive's hand. I ran to the bathroom and shut the door.

"Y/n, what is that?" She questioned what I had in my hand.

"This is a test. To see if you really think that I'm...you know. "

She nodded in response. After I used it we waited for about five minutes. I closed my eyes and Olive gasped. I opened my eyes and we were both silent. I stared in shock at the two little pink lines.

No. Fucking. Way. This. Is. Happening. Right. Now.

Olive was jumping up and down clapping and smiling. I screamed at the top of my lungs. She stopped smiling.

I ran out of the bathroom and down the stairs. Olive ran after me. When I got to the down stairs hallway I started hyperventilating and dropped to my knees. "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod."

Olive tried to call me down. " Y/n, Y/n, it's okay, your gonna be fine. I'm right here. " I held her hand as she helped me stand up. "Olive, I need you to get Horace, Millard, Emma, and Victor to my room asap."

" Okay. What does asap mean? "

"As soon as possible. So like right now."

"You head upstairs, I'll go get them." Olive runs off and I grab the test from the bathroom and head to my room.

Inner Thoughts - Enoch O'Conner x readerWhere stories live. Discover now