27. Here me out: WOAH

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Y/n pov

A couple months after my feet healed my mom heard about the engagement but she couldn't make it. She doesn't have enough money and she recently lost her job. I wanted to leave the loop to go see her but if I did time would catch up to me. I don't think Ms. Peregrine would want me to leave anyway. Millard wanted to go with me if I left to visit my mom but time would catch up with him too.

Horace is making my wedding dress in his style and it's...

Horace is making my wedding dress in his style and it's

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It was cute until it wasn't. Don't forget it is the 90's outside the loop! I didn't want to disappoint Horace so I calmly sat him down on his bed in his room.

 "Horace, I think that this dress is the nicest thing you could make for me. But..."

 "But what? Is it too small? Too large? I can make adjustments don't worry."

 He started to walk over to the dress on the mannequin but I stopped him with a sentence, "Horace, it's ugly."

 He gasped and turned around, "UGLY?! This dress?! UGLY?!"

 I tried my best not to laugh at the face he was making, "Horace, I didn't mean it like that. It's just not my style. Please don't be mad. And please stop crying."

 He sat back down next to me and I wiped his tears with my sleeve. "Horace I'm sorry."

 "It's okay. Give me your magazines and about four hours."

 I walked to my room and came back with my huge stack, "just promise you won't cut them up!"

 He nodded and slammed the door. 

The wedding is in 24 hours and I can't see Enoch until I walk down the aisle. The wedding is gonna be at the beach. The bird wanted it to be at the garden but the after party is there instead. Olive and Emma are frantic because they're planning the whole thing and they're also my brides maids. We wanted Claire to be the flower girl but Enoch gave the title to Bronwyn and said he had a special job for Claire. They're both in the basement working on something right now. Millard is going to walk me down the aisle, obviously. Horace and Victor are the highly emotional groomsmen and will probably tick off Enoch. The rest of them are going to sit in the crowd. I think the bird is gonna marry us.

I went up to the attic and opened the window. I crawled out into the roof (with shoes this time) and sat there looking at everyone in the garden. That's when it hits me.

I'm getting married tomorrow. I think I'm gonna-

I run to the edge and cough up everything in my stomach. I ate way too much test cake today. And way too many sweets. I'm just glad I didn't barf on anyone, I feel bad for that flower bush though. I wiped my mouth with my shirt and climbed back through the window. I walked back down stairs to my room and tried to take a quick nap.

Enoch pov

 "Okay Claire. Are you sure you know what to do?"

 Claire nodded her head and smiled, "Do I get to wear a fancy dress?"

Inner Thoughts - Enoch O'Conner x readerWhere stories live. Discover now