9. The Invisi-hug

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A/n: Please feel free to comment. I really want to know your feed back!

I ran outside and sat under a tree. I held my head in my hands. Millard walks up to me, a book in his see-through hand. "Hey, are you alright, y/n?" Millard always seems to be worried about me but he is the number one thing that calms me down in any situation. He's kinda like a child therapist who is also 87. He just lets me scream and cry my eyes out and he'll just nod along and hug me.

"I feel so confused and alone and nothing makes sense. I mean- that's normally how I feel, but right now it's worse."

Millard sits down and faces me. "I'm sorry that you feel that way. Um...would you be interested in an Invisi-hug?"

Invisi-hug. A word I created for Millard when he got bored with reading the dictionary. Definition: A hug given by Millard, who is invisible. He hated the idea at first but I could tell when it was starting to grow on him.

I gladly took the invisi-hug that was offered and sat with Millard for about an hour talking about the book he was currently reading. It was a good distraction for a little while.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip

We were sitting at dinner when Horace kept looking at me and Enoch with some sort of guilt and knowing too much. Ms. Peregrine noticed and was about to say something when I shouted the first thing that came to mind.

"Hey, I got a question. If Millard farts a lot can I call him windmill?"

Everyone erupted with laughter and Enoch smirked. Millard just looked at me,'really?'

I shared my thought with him,'sorry I promise I won't actually call you windmill.' He just shook his head.

We quickly finished up dinner and got ready for movie time. We all sat on the couches and Horace sat in his chair, looking a little hesitant. Ms. P told Horace to display his dreams. Before he put the monocle on his eye he looked at me and I heard him think 'I'm sorry.'

He put the monocle up to his eye and started projecting. Clothes, as usual. I then switched to someone with a cane and a top hat wearing knee high black lace up boots and sparkly black shorts and a red cape. Olive asked,"is that a circus? I've always wanted to go to a circus!" Suddenly the person in the hat looked up above the brim so we could see their face.

Everyone gasped and went silent. Even Enoch, but only slightly.

It was me. I was the person in the top hat and the cape. Why would I of all people be dressed in a skimpy circus outfit? Especially when I have a fear of clowns?! The dream switched again. This one even stranger. It was a view of the floor. Enoch's signature sweater was thrown lazily onto it along with the top hat. Everyone turned their heads away from me and to Enoch which didn't make much of a difference because we were sitting next to each other.

Then everyone put the pieces together. I'm guessing Ms. Peregrine did too because she rushed us off to bed right after. As we walked up the stairs Claire and Bronwyn wouldn't stop giggling at me and Enoch. "Knock it off." Enoch huffed. The two girls, Fiona and Hugh, and the Twins ran up stairs.

Enoch and I were the last ones to our rooms. I turned around really quick to say good night but I had caught him looking at me. He turned around blushing a bit,"goodnight," was all he said standing in his door way waiting for me to respond. "Goodnight, Enoch."

As soon as I said Enoch I heard his door shut. I walked into my room closed the door and went right to sleep.

A/n sorry this chapter is so short. it's currently like 1 am or something like that.

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