23. How was I supposed to know you were evil?

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Y/n pov

 "Mort?" I asked quietly but somehow he heard me.

 "Ah, there you are my dear!" He said too cheerfully.

 "What are you doing here?" I thought he couldn't leave the realm of thoughts. Did he lie to me?

 "Last night you summoned me when you were with that boy. Since I'm out of the realm would it be alright if I stayed here?" He took off his hat and put it into the coat rack and started walking towards me.

Ms. Peregrine jumped in front of him, " actually I would like to have a chat with you in my office, " she gestured to the room to her left. Mort walked in that direction and the bird walked up to me. "Y/n, how do you know of Mort?"

"How do you know of Mort?" I asked even more confused.

"Mort is a peculiar banished to the realm of shadows. He takes vulnerable peculiars and tells them that he can unlock their true power. The more you go back to visit him the more he can get out of the realm and find you. But instead you said his name twice in the real world and now he can't go back to the realm. The only way for him to go back forever is for the person who released him to defeat him, and no peculiar has been able to do that. The only thing we can do is to keep him occupied until he plans to fight you."

"Why does he have to fight me?" I really didn't want to fight anyone. And how was I supposed to know he was evil? I didn't even know there were other people like me until I came here!

"Because you brought him here. Now you have to fix it. Go to bed it's getting late." And with that, she walked off to chat with Mort for a little while. I turned around and walked up the stairs. When I was about to open the door to my room everything hit me all at once.

I had to fight Mort and protect everyone from dying. I had to be the one to defeat him for good. I've been seeing everyone dead because I know it's coming. I know I'm going to fail and lose everything I love. I started to cry and slid my back down the door. Enoch heard my wailing and opened the door. I rolled backwards and laid flat on the floor looking up at Enoch with tears still in my eyes. He picked me up and closed the door. He sat down on my fluffy carpet facing the window and put my head on his lap. He wiped away my tears and stroked my hair. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked. I shook my head no and kept staring out the window.

 Enoch pov

She kept staring out the window until she fell asleep on my lap. I picked her up and put her in the bed. I kissed her forehead and laid down next to her.

The next morning she was gone. No where to be found in her room like she was never here. I got dressed and walked downstairs. I was the last person as breakfast, as usual, but in my spot there was an older dapper fellow. I grunted in frustration sat on the other side y/n.

He said his name was Mort and knew way too much about Y/n. She was unusually fidgety and he leg was bouncing under the table. I put my hand on the inside of her upper thigh. I might've squeezed it a little too hard because her eyes widened and she looked at me for a split second. I looked down and chuckled to myself quietly.

Mort wouldn't stop talking during breakfast and it was starting to piss me off. My hand tightened on y/n's thigh on accident. "Ow!" she said as the bird looked at her questionably, "um, I bit my cheek." The bird nodded and y/n glared at me. I moved my hand and whispered, "sorry."

Mort kept talking about y/n's abilities until she left with her plate. I'm starting to think she's starting to hate him as much as I do. Mort kept talking about other things after she left. I pushed out my chair and followed y/n into the kitchen. She was washing her plate and crying, one tear at a time. I put my hand on her shoulder and her plate shattered in her hand. I quickly pulled my hand back as she started to speak, "I saw things, Enoch. I saw death, I saw murder. It's all my fault. If I hadn't had that tequila he wouldn't be here."

I spun her around to face me, "Slow down. What did you see? What does this have to do with the tequila?"

Y/n took my hand and flew us out the door and onto the roof. "He can't hear us up here. And don't think, don't try to share thoughts."

"Who? Do you mean-"

 "Don't say his name. It summons him. And yes I mean him. The night we drank I walked into the kitchen to see Horace holding a knife in front of a bloody Victor. And I blinked and it was gone. I turned around and you had no eyes. And I blinked again and you were fine." She was talking way to fast. I'm not sure how to calm her down.

She continued, "The night we had tequila, I said his name twice making him able to come out of the realm of thoughts and not being able to go back. Unless I kill him."

 "Then just kill him. We can help you-"

 "No. I have to kill him. By myself. But no one has been able to do it. So kiss your was goodbye. Kiss everyone goodbye. And kiss the loop goodbye. And kiss me good-"

I grabbed her face and kissed her with a bit of hunger. She was a bit surprised and I chuckled, "you told me to kiss you good. I'm not leaving you to die alone. Your not gonna defeat him alone."

 She leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder, "I wish you were right." We stayed there for a couple more hours. Suddenly the bird flew out of the window of the home followed by an enraged Mort. Victor ran out and three a boulder at Mort but he dodged it. The bird flew back into the house and grabbed her crossbow she hit Mort a few times with it but he got back up after every shot.

I stood up on the roof. Y/n flew down and punched Mort in the face. She came back and broke the window so I could climb back inside.

 "You need to be safe. Take care of Claire for me. Tell Millard I love him."

 "I don't need you to protect me. Tell them yourself," she flew off before I could finish my sentence. I ran back inside and grabbed Claire. "Where's y/n?" She asked. I ignored her for now. Olive and Emma took the other kids to the back of the house. "Claire, stay here. Do not leave the basement unless someone opens the door." She ran to me and gave me a big hug. I picked her up, "don't worry your little head. I love you so much. Don't tell anyone I said that." I put her down and she ran into the basement. Bronwyn and the twins ran in after her. Emma stayed in the basement with the children while we tried to help y/n.

The only people with helpful peculiarities are Hugh, Fiona, Olive, Millard, Victor and Bronwyn, but Bronwyn is way too young to fight. I have no idea what the twins do and we don't need Emma flying away.

I ran outside to find y/n...glowing?

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