14. I'm f***ed, literally

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A/n: from now on I'm gonna be putting up puns I think Enoch would say because they're funny and he's dead inside and I'm dead inside so yeah. 😄

I sat on my bed with Olive holding my hand. Millard, Horace, Emma, and Victor are all glaring at Olive with their arms crossed. "Would you please stop glaring at Olive? I'm not mad at her anymore. It was just a misunderstanding."

 They kept their arms crossed and turned their heads to me. I took a deep breath and looked at a smiling and supportive Olive. She nodded her head in reassurance.

"This is gonna be the hardest thing for me to say, but at least you get to be the first people I tell, other than Olive."

 Horace gasps, "Oh my god, you guys are dating!"

 " What? No. No, no, no. "

Horace pouted a little and I took another breath. "Im...lemme just show you this." I took the test out of my pocket. " Oh my! What does this mean? " Millard questions. I look at Olive and whisper to her, " I can't say it." She nods.

 "Y/n is gonna have a cute little-"

 "BABY?!" Millard exclaims as he's reading the instruction manual for the test (How did he even find that?) All of their mouths drop to the floor.

Emma looks at me, " you have to tell Ms. Peregrine. "

Victor covers his mouth, " is it Enoch's? "

Horace gives him a look, " yes, it's Enoch's! Who else would it be? "

Millard grabs me and hugs me. The rest of them pile on afterwards. Olive gasps and all of them let go of me. "How are you going to tell Enoch?"

 Fuck. I didn't think of that. "Um, maybe tomorrow. But until then none of you can say a word to anyone. Not even to the bird. Especially not the bird. Not until I do."

 Everyone nodded simultaneously and left my room. I gotta tell Enoch, one way or another.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip

The next day as soon as I walked out of my room I was pulled into another. Enoch's room. He sat me down in a chair and told me to stay there. I was a little confused until a clay doll with a piece of paper walked up to me. I looked over to at the door to see a nervous Enoch rubbing the back of his neck. The little creature was tapping my leg and stuck out his claw with the piece of paper in it. I took the paper from it and struggled as I read the world's messiest hand writing. I couldn't tell which end I was supposed to start reading from so I rotated the paper a few times until Enoch walked over and took it from me.

He didn't know where the writing began either and spun the paper around a few times before he figured it out. I giggled a bit. When he handed it back to me he walked back over to where he was standing by the door. The letter said:


I love you. I'm sorry I kissed Olive. I don't love Olive. I love you. I want to support you in anyway I can. I'm sorry. I love you. Because I'm sorry. Because I love you. And I want you back. 

Love Enoch xoxo (I don't know what xoxo means. I saw it on my birthday card from my mother one time. Thought I should add it.)

After I finished reading the poorly written note, I looked up and over to an awkwardly smiling Enoch. I chuckled at his expression and his smile drooped. I got up from my chair and walked over to him. "Xoxo means kiss hug kiss hug. And if you really love me you should say it." His smile disappeared.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. "Fine. Y/n, I'm sorry for kissing Olive and I love you dearly. Is that what you wanted?"

 I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. I wanted to tell him but I can't even say it out loud. I don't think I'm ready for it.

I put my hands on his face and kissed him passionately. He kissed back for a minute until I let go of his face and put my hands on his chest. "I missed you."

 " I missed you too."

I grabbed his hand and we walked to breakfast. He sat down next to me. Olive looked at me with excitement.

 "Ah, Mr. O'Connor, glad you could join us," Ms. Peregrine announced.

Olive smiles at me, "Y/n, so did you tell him?"

 My eyes widened. I mouthed to her 'SHUT UP' but it was too late.

 "Tell me what?" Enoch questioned.

"You didn't tell him? " Olive whispered a little too loudly. I shook my head in response.

 "Y/n, just tell me. What is it?" Enoch was starting to get a little frustrated.

 I couldn't tell him just yet. I looked at Millard for help. He shrugged his shoulders. I came up with an idea.

 "Okay. No more secrets." I look at Enoch, "last night I fell asleep hugging Millard. And then Millard also fell asleep."

 Enoch blinked. "Is that it? That's nothing!" He whispered into my ear, " You didn't do it with him, right? You only fell asleep? "

"Yes, ask him later if you want."

 Ms. Peregrine finished her food early and stood up, " everyone continue eating. Y/n, could I speak with you for a moment."

I stood up and followed the bird to her office. We sat down on her black leather couch. She pulled my pregnancy test out of her pocket. My eye widened.

 "I found this in the trash bin. When were you planning to tell me about this?"

 I looked at the floor and started to cry.

 "Oh no dear, there is no need to cry. I'm not mad at you I just need you to tell me." She handed me a tissue and I wiped my tears. "I'm sorry, I should've come to you sooner but I found out yesterday and I d-"

"There is no need to ramble and you don't need to apologize for anything. Does Enoch know?"

I shake my head. "We just got back together. I don't know if I want to burden him with that yet. "

"Its okay dear. Take your time. I will be doing some research on pregnancies for peculiar in loops and I will get back to you on that. Until then, try your best to keep it concealed until your ready to tell everyone. "

I nodded and left her office.

Olive and Emma were waiting outside the door when I walked out. They were both questioning what happened with the bird. I explained how she found the test and that she was very supportive of me.

"That's good that she supports you." Emma stated.

"You were in there for a while. Its almost lunch time. "

"Really? Lets go down stairs."

We all walk into the dining room and I sit next to Enoch and hold his hand. Maybe I shouldn't wait to tell him. At breakfast I said no more secrets and here I am keeping a big one. I was always bad at keeping secrets though.

I push out my chair and stand up. Everyone stared at me. "Enoch, and everyone else, I have something really important to say."

Enoch looks up at me, "you just said no more secrets. What haven't you told me already?"

I look at Enoch and he stands up. I rub the bridge of my nose and sigh. I look him dead in the eyes,"Enoch, I'm pregnant."

Everyone gasps and the room goes silent. Enoch's eyes widened. He grabbed my hand and brought me into the other room. He locked the doors behind us.

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