5. Two of hearts

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A/n: Two of hearts was the song I was listening to while writing this.

Enoch Pov

I had to get away as soon as possible before she heard me laugh but it was too late. I blushed and ran into my room and slammed the door. I couldn't let her see me like this. I thought this feeling would go away. But after our fight, I became even more drawn to her. What's happening to me? I should despise her! 

Part of me does but part of me doesn't. I have no clue what to do. I have never felt this way about someone before. 

I sit down at my desk in an attempt to erase to thought of liking someone. I walk over and grab a couple of tools from the small box by the window. I start molding the clay with my hands and shaping it. I grab a doll head and a couple of chicken limbs.

I heard footsteps walking up the stairs,"Y/n, Enoch, I would like the both of you to come downstairs to my office now," said Ms. Peregrine.

I grunt as I got up from my chair and washed off my hands.

We  both head to Ms. Peregrine's office. "You two will not be joining us until you apologize to each other."

We both groaned simultaneously and got sent back to our rooms.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip

I woke up just in time for breakfast. As I was heading downstairs I remembered I wasn't allowed to join them until I had apologized to y/n. 

I shouldn't be the one to have to apologize. She bit into to my sheep heart and threw it at me. I walked back up the stairs and walked in to my room. I sat at my desk and finished the homunculus I was working on. I walked over to her room and knocked on the door.

She didn't answer so I knocked harder. I didn't get a response but I had heard singing. I opened the door to see what she was doing. To my surprise she was listening to music with headphones and singing along.

She was spinning around and dancing.

Two of hearts, Two hearts that beat as one,

Two of hearts, I need you, I need you

She pointed at me when she sang that last line. She quickly scrambled to get rid of the music player and both of us started blushing. "How long were you standing there?"

"About two minutes," I replied. "I want to show you my peculiarity."

"And what makes you think that I'm just gonna-"

I cut her off as I started walking away. She quickly followed me back to my room and stood in front of my desk as I sat down. "What is that?" she asked. 

"Hand me that jar, would you?" I said.

"That not what I asked," she said with a huff.

"Get me that jar and I'll tell you," I demanded.

She picked up the jar and handed it to me. I took out the heart and cut open the chest of the dol- I mean homunculus and placed it inside. She started to lean over in interest. I whispered in its ear and it walked down the table and grabbed a piece of paper. It crawled back up the table and handed me the paper. I wrote on it. Folded it up and gave it to the creature. It then crawled down the table and tapped on Y/n's leg. She took the paper and thanked the small creature and put it onto the table.

Inner Thoughts - Enoch O'Conner x readerWhere stories live. Discover now