22. Um, so about last night...

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Y/n pov

Tears started to form in my eyes. "Y/n?" I turned around slowly. Standing behind me was Enoch, but he was missing his eyes. I gasped and covered my mouth in horror. I closed my eyes as he reached towards me. I felt his hand on my upper arm and opened my eyes, "y/n, are you okay?"

When I looked up at him, his eyes were staring at me with caution, and they weren't missing. He pulled me into a hug, "did you have a bad dream?" I couldn't say anything, it was like I was in shock. I just nodded my head. I can't tell him what I saw, even though he's the best person to tell other than the bird. No one can know what I saw.

Enoch made me some tea and say down next to me on the dining room. I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. "Do you want to stay with me tonight?" I didn't say anything. "Do you...want me to stay with you?" I still didn't respond and took a sip of my tea. He looks at me, "was it really that bad? Stay here I'll be right back." He got up from his seat next to me and walked up the stairs being a quiet as possible. About 10 minutes later he comes back with a full bottle of tequila and dumps out our mugs of tea.

"Hey, I was still drinking that!" I whisper screamed.

He doesn't say anything and hands me back my mug, but instead of tea it's filled with tequila, same as his. He clinks out mugs and says, "bottoms up!" Before taking a huge swig. I do the same.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip!

I wake up the next morning naked in the library on a couch with Enoch surrounded by a castle made of books. I have a huge headache. I rub my eyes and yawn, "Enoch? Enoch, what happened last night?"

"I don't remember. Do you?"

I shake my head and stand up. The book castle is tall enough to the point where no one can see below my neck. I rub my eyes and Enoch stands up next to me. We both turn around and face the door to find Horace, Victor, Emma, Olive, and Millard staring at us with their jaws dropped to the floor.

Enoch and I share a look like 'oh fuck. What do we do?' And look back at the five peculiars staring at us. " Um, hi guys," I manage to choke out with a half hearted wave. They all waved back with their jaws still dropped. "Enoch have you seen my clothes any where?" I whisper to him. "Nope. Have you seen mine?" He whispered back. Horace points to the ceiling. We all look up to find Enoch's clothes on the chandelier. "Yep," we all say in unison. I use my peculiarity to take them off of the chandelier. Enoch grabbed them as they fell. He quickly put them on and asked, "can you help me find y/n something to wear?"

Millard crossed his arms, "can you help us fix the entire house?"

I wrapped the blanket around me so I could walk out of the fort. I pushed over a couple stacks of books and stepped over them to get to where he was standing. Emma opened the door of the library. I gasped at the horrid sight. Everything was either broken, upside down, on the ceiling, or out of place. Enoch grabbed something off the one of the bookshelves, "uh oh. We drank the whole bottle of tequila."

"WHAT?!?!" I almost tripped on the blanket I wrapped around me.

Suddenly the bird stormed into the library in absolute rage, "y/n, Enoch, in my office, now." She snatched the empty bottle from Enoch and slammed the door to her office across the hall. Enoch and I followed her into her room with our heads hanging low. We sat on the couch as she lectured us, "first the pregnancy, then the cheating, then the fake death and now this?! TEQUILA?!  Where did you even get this?!"

"I found it in the basement and was saving it for a while," Enoch replied nervously.

"You are to clean this house until it is perfect. No leaving or going outside until you finish. No one is to help you."

"But doesn't the whole house reset because of the time loop?" My smart mouth just had to ask.

" Of course. But I want you to do it as punishment." She smiled, "off you go."

Enoch started cleaning while I went on a quest for my clothes. I found them hanging from the upside down dining table on the ceiling. I quickly put them on and started removing everything from the ceiling.

(Now imagine a cleaning montage to the song tequila)

After we finished cleaning everything, Claire and Bronwyn decided to make cupcakes and spilled everything and then we also had to clean that up. Millard wouldn't let us touch the books so he put those away for us. Olive almost set her dress on fire and Emma got stuck on the roof when she was helping my remove the eggs and toilet paper from the garden.

After all that I didn't have another weird vision !maybe the tequila cured me or something but I don't thinks it's going to last long. After dinner we all went to the living room for movie time.

Horace sat in his chair and put the monocle up to his eye and started projecting. It started out as usual with him trying on clothes but then quickly switch to me and Enoch drinking in the dining room. I leaned over to Enoch who was sitting next to me, "maybe we can find out what we did last night." He kept his eyes on the screen.

I'm Horace's vision, we had gotten up and ran into the basement, grabbed a bunch of random stuff and ran around. I flew out the window and teepeed the house and the tree while Enoch rolled around in the grass after he egged the house. We both ran back inside and I flipped the table upside down and glued it to the ceiling. Enoch made little clay men and sent them to break and hide everything but I kept jumping on them while they were trying to work. It switched to us splashing in the ocean. Then it switched again to us soaking wet dancing on the ceiling of the library with the book fort below us.

We were waltzing. We were giggling and smiling and I was in his arms. That was the only thing I really cared about. It switched one last time to us passed out naked on the couch in the book fort.

Horace took off his monocle and I smiled at Enoch, who was smiling back at me. "At least you had fun ruining something other than you relationship," said Hugh, who was then elbowed hard in the side by Fiona. She then have him a look like ' well I guess you're right'.

After the reset a few other things changed in the house that we missed when we were cleaning but the bird didn't notice. Suddenly as I was half way up the stairs there was knock at the door. The bird wasn't expecting anyone so this caught her by suprise. I wanted to see who was at the door so I told Enoch I would be up in a minute. Ms. Peregrine opened the door to see an older dapper fellow, "Hello there! I'm here to see a very special young lady." The man stepped in past the bird after the chatted for a few more minutes. When I finally could see the man's face I gasped, "Mort?"

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