19. Gone Girl

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Y/n pov

My mom left the next morning even though she just got here. Enoch has been very distant lately. Olive keeps looking at me with worry. Millard has been crying in his room. Everything is just talking apart. I feel like its all my fault and I feel like it isn't at the same time. I've been sitting on the roof a lot lately, trying to clear my head of what happened. Horace joins me out there sometimes but doesn't stay very long because of his fear of heights. Horace and Victor have been distant too. Everyone has just been quiet.

My belly went back to the way it was before overnight, thanks to the loop. The only thing that didn't change was Hugh and Fiona, but Fiona did complain about the bees once or twice, and she never does that.

I gaze out into the sunset as I sit on the roof. I need to talk to Mort. "Mort."

 Immediately, black smoke covers me and I find my self face to face with the dapper man himself. "I'm so glad you came back, y/n! No one ever comes back!" His smile became slightly less cheerful but then perked up again, "how are you feeling?"

 I start bawling and he pulls me into his arms, "I feel like everything is my fault. I lost the baby, everyone is distant, and...and-"

He cuts me off as I find my self on a comfy green couch, "nothing is your fault. But there are somethings being kept from you. The thing you must not do is fall."

 "That is so vague." I stop crying and look up at him. "Why can't you just tell it straight to my face?"

 "I'm just a guide and just guides don't tell the future but we do guide you through it. That's why we're just guides."

 "No shit."

 Mort smiles cheerfully, "Bye bye! Don't fall off the roof!"

 The black cloud faces around me. I sigh and stand up. I walk down the shingles on the roof until I reach the very edge. I take a step off the roof and close my eyes.

I land a few feet off the ground and open my eyes. I push off with my right foot and fly around the island. Mort is teaching me how to unlock my true power. After I master flying I can do whatever is next but I'm not to sure what is. Emma started to get jealous of me because I can control where I can fly and she can't.  Sometimes I don't like having telekinesis and sometimes I do. After I fly around the island a few times I fly back to the home and hover inside for dinner. I appear in the doorway and pose like Peter pan. Nobody knows what Peter pan is though so I just walk over to my seat and start eating.

Olive stands up as soon as Enoch sits down and walks away. I take a couple more bites of my food before following her. Ms. Peregrine doesn't say anything to me as I float into the hall and up the stairs to catch Olive. When I get to her room her door is wide open and she's sitting on her bed with her knees to her chest staring at her window crying. "Olive? Are you okay?"

"Y/n, I don't know how to say this to you with out hurting you," she puts her knees down as I sit next to her on her bed,"Enoch has been using me for years. He's been using me while you were pregnant."

"How was he using you? " I started to fill with rage and confusion.

"He told me things so I would do it with him because he couldn't get it from you because you were pregnant. He doesn't love me and he doesn't love you. He used me when He wanted to get Emma but she didn't like him so he used me. Y/n I'm so sorry. I liked him for years and I couldn't say no." Olive was bawling. Because on Enoch. Because of my boyfriend.

I ran down stairs to where everyone was still eating, Olive trailed in behind me. I ran straight up to Enoch and slapped him across the face. Enoch stood up but I push him back down into his seat, "you were cheating on me? With Olive? While I was pregnant?!"

 Enoch was speechless and has a bright red hand mark on his face. Fiona started to ooh but Hugh covered her mouth. Olive stood awkwardly behind me. "I never want to see you again!!! FUCK YOU!"

 I ran out the room as everyone stared at Enoch with a glare. He got up and ran after me the rest of the children following shortly after. I ran into the garden as Enoch followed me, "Y/n, stop! We need to talk about this!"


 I ran out the garden and into the woods after throwing Enoch one last time. I ran until I found my self on the edge of a cliff. I looked down at the rushing water and the spiked rocks. Mort said don't fall but I want to fall. I can't live knowing that he didn't love me. I sat on the cliff as I watch the day reset.

Millard catches up to me after a few hours gone by into the night. "Hey. Do you mind if sit next to you?" I didn't say anything but Millard sat down anyway. He opens his arms and I lean over into him. "This might not be the most helpful information but Lilly and I sat here a lot when she first got here and when she found out she had to leave. This is the spot where she told me."

I look up at him, " what did she tell you?"

Millard chuckled lightly and sighed, "this is where she told me she was pregnant...with you, actually."

 I sit all the way up and turned to face him, "with me? How? Mom said my dad was killed by a hollowghast."

 " Well, do I look like I was killed by a hollwghast? I still don't know why she told you that. Honestly she should have just told you the truth."

I stand up and start waving my hands on circles, "woah, woah, woah. So your telling me you're my dad?"

 Millard nods his head. I pull him into a tight hug, "Hi dad." " Hi y/n."

 "Dad sounds weird for you. Your too young to be my dad."

 He blinks, "I'm 87."

 "I'm still calling you Millard."

 He rolls his eyes and groans, "UUUUUUGH. Fine. But call me dad sometimes."

 " Yeah, yeah, sure I guess."

 "Can we go back to the home now?" Millard kissed my forehead and put his arm around me as we walked though the woods. I grabbed Millard's waist and pushed off from the ground. I flew us to the garden where everyone was waiting. I walked straight past Enoch and told everyone that Millard was my dad and that was why Lilly had to leave. Victor congratulated Millard like he just had a baby. Horace rolled his eyes. Everyone filed in I turned around once more to see Enoch staring at me with pain and sorrow. I still love him but I can't after what he did to Olive. I turned around and kept walking to my room leaving Enoch in the dark.

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