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The kitchen


(998 words)


You and Jenna are in your kitchen. She's cooking something while swining her hips a little to 'haunted' by taylor swift that's currently playing from the TV in the living room. You are watching her, watching her how she starts twirl herself a little to the music. You start to see everything that she does in slow motion. You can almost see her complete bare back because her cropped Shirt rise up when she tries to reach for the salt but is completely failing. You thoughts go completely wild by now. Thinking about the way you want to Touch her soft back or how you want to kiss along her neck while she's cooking. or even sticking your Fingers inside her little tiny pussy hole-

,,babe can you get the Salt from the shelf please." Jenna says and you got immediately out of your thoughts.

,,y..yeah of course" you smile and stand up, go over to where she stand and get salt from the shelf. ,,uh uh" you smirk while she tries to get out of your hand but your holding it to high to tease her a little.

,,oh come on Y/N give me the salt" Jenna pouts while she tries to reach it but failing.

,,give me a kiss first" you smirk and leaning forward, still holding the salt high up. She eventually gives in and kiss you.

The kiss then starts to get more heated, you both really getting into the kiss. You put the salt on the counter that's on the left side, then moving this hand under Jenna's Shirt and sliding this hand up and down her back.

both of Jenna's hands go around your neck. You go to break the kiss just to turn off the oven so the food don't burn and than you start kiss down her neck, out of Jenna's mouth escaped a quiet moan. You smirk a little on her neck while still kiss and biting along it, leaving sie Marks"

,,did you just leave a hickey? Please tell me you did not" she asks while Crunching her eyes together

,,oh fuck shit I'm sorry jen i forgot that you start filming in a few days. I'm so sorry baby" you say while feeling bad

,,uhh no it's fine you I can't resist that cute little face of yours" she smiles at you. She starts to kiss you again but this time more wild. Clothes starting to get taking off, both of you now naked, jenna sitting on the counter and you between her legs. Your hands resting on her thighs while her hands are getting wild around your body, both of her hand are on your c cup boobs.

,,shit jenna keep going" you groan while looking at her admiring her cute concentrated face. You Love the how she always gets so concetrated when she is pleasuring you because jenna doesn't want to do anything wrong.

You start to get more forward now because you know that Jenna is now horny as fuck and you want to give her, her pleasure now. You getting on your knees your head between her legs. Jenna's hands immediately going to your head grabbing a fist full of your hair and pulling s little on your hair.

You start to kiss her thighs, getting to her inner thighs and finally to her core. Your lips gently kissing her already sensitive clit. Her moans now getting louder and the fist on your head getting more tight. ,,Shit suck on it" Jenna's breaths out while tilting her head back a little. As she told you, you start to suck on her pink clit, hard. You sticking your tongue out so that she gets more pleasure on her clit while you suck it.

After a minute you move your tongue wildly around her core. You start of by her labia and than moving to her hole and you just letting your tongue take control. Jenna moans loudly her legs shaking slightly. Her gasping when you push two fingers inside her, her now moving completely wild and she almost fall of the counter if you haven't had hold her in place with your head in her mid section.

,,shit! I'm gonna...shit..I.. I'm coming!" Jenna starts to scream while she came hard on you finger and tongue. ,,shit babe that was hot" Jenna says after she catched her breath you just chuckling softly and giving her a quick on the lips and then on her forehead. You walk away to the counter.

,,Y/N what about you. I want to give you your orgasm to" Jenna says while hoppimg of the counter immediately going to regret it because her legs slightly giving in and her gripping the counter hard while still looking at you.

,,next time. Plus you Can't even stand" you smirk and look at her.

,,okey but I Still habe to finish the food" she trys to go to the fridge but failing and failing on the floor.

You running directly to her to look if she's okay. " baby no I will finish come on" you say while picking her up bridestyle (I actually forgot what's called I hope that's right) and putting her on the Sofa in the living room where still music is playing.

,,sorry" Jenna says while looking down a little

,,for what baby?"

,,for not giving you an orgasm"

,,noooo baby you face is like an orgasm"


,,no sorry that came out wrong. I just mean thst just looking at you is enough. I could look at you all day and I would never get bored. Your face is just so gorgeous baby I don't need you to give me an orgasm because i like to just admir you." You smile softly at her.

,,okay that makes me feel so much better"

,,good. Love you" you give her a quick kiss and go back into the kitchen.

,,Love you too"

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