twenty eight

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The car and the package


Tara x Amber

(This is like the longest chapter I've ever done)


“u got my package? it says its deliverrd rn”


ara peeks up from her laptop as she reads the notification that lit up her phone screen. Amber’s profile picture appears next to the text message and Tara smiles at her girlfriend’s silly pose in the image, her tongue trapped between her teeth as she mischievously winks at Tara’s phone camera that captured the photo.

They hadn't been able to see each other much lately, since Amber’s parents had come home for once and felt the need to drag their daughter everywhere they went, insisting the horror fanatic should spend time together with her family instead of herding herself up in her dark room like a hermit.

You sent it to my house? Why?  

“bcus my parents r home and obv they go thru all my stuff cus they r nosy af”
Tara giggles silently at her girlfriend's annoyed reaction. It’s truly ridiculous that Amber’s parents are so strict, yet leave their daughter alone to do whatever she wants to. But Amber is right; They are nosy. Whenever Tara would visit the Freemans to join for dinner, they’d talk her ears off, curious about Tara's entire life. It was adorable to Tara, but she understood that it bothered Amber to an extent.

“can u check?” The next message comes in. “i need to know or else its lost and it was quite expensiv:(”

What is it?

“u cn open it and find out ;) orr u can leave the surprise :)”

Amber was always vague– playful, rather. What was she up to now?

Give me a minute.

Tara takes off her headphones and gets out of bed. It’s nearly dusk. Tara already had dinner and was bored. Amber usually kept her company after school, but with her responsibilities as a ‘loving’ daughter, she couldn't entertain Tara anymore. And Tara prayed every day for Amber’s parents to leave as soon as possible.
She scurries off the stairs, into the hallway, searching for a certain package.

“Tara, are you looking for this?” Sam’s voice sounds from the living room.
When Tara enters the room, her eyes immediately land on the medium sized box on the cabinet. “Yes, actually.”
“I figured. It doesn't have any sender’s address, though. What did you order?” Sam asks.

“It’s not mine,” She says and approaches the package, “It’s Amber’s.”
“Amber’s?” Sam quirks an eyebrow. “Why did she let it be  delivered here?”
“I guess she doesn't want her parents to know,” Tara explains, somewhat confused herself.

She spins the parcel around in her hands. It indeed doesn't have any logo or sender's name, only her address. Should she open it? Amber did say she was allowed to.

Her snoopy nature got the better of her, because Tara starts to rip open the carton. She wonders what in god’s name Amber had ordered, that she was precarious of having it be delivered to her own doorstep. Her girlfriend is… odd, Tara’s perfectly aware of that fact. She has certain hobbies and affinities that often worry Tara. 

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