twenty six

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Shit what's happening with me?!

Jenna x emma


Jenna was in an interview with emma and her eyes were non stop on her It was their first interview of June and Emma was being anxious as usual since Jenna was in a different room and her hands were all fidgety Jenna bit her lip and she hummed softly "I think it would be..Interesting if Wednesday had like- A monster for a pet" Hunter hummed and agreed "I'm down, Bow down to Jenna" While emma side eyed him awkwardly Jenna giggled softly and she put her hands on her mouth with her eyes slightly shut, When she looked up she saw Emma awkwardly looking at hunter 'was she jealous?' Jenna thought and that thought alone made her giddy..'wait why am I- why am I wanting her to be jealous?' her mind asked but she smiled softly anyway

Emma was acting weird, Like her eyes were basically stuck on Jenna for most of the interview, Emma smiled and shook her shoulders gently, Jenna swore her face had blush with how warm it was Jenna's eyes glided to Emma's hands..'A middle finger Ring? Is this woman trying to kill me?' and watched every detail, Every grab on Emma's own thigh, Every awkward hand movement when she's talking and everytime she laughs she put a hand over her mouth Clearly Emma didn't know what she was doing while she did those specific hand movements, Her hands were cold which is why she was laying her hands on her thigh so much but She was confused why Jenna was staring so intently

Jenna continued to stare at her hands as they slowly moved towards Emma's thighs, She licked her lips as she stared in between them Emma raised an eyebrow as she noticed Jenna's unfocused eyes and she mumbled softly "Hello? Earth to Jenna" Jenna snapped out of her trance and looked at Emma, Her eyes were staring right into sapphire ones while she said "W-What were we talking about?" Emma pursed her lips, Concern in her eyes while she said "We weren't really talking about anything, Are..You okay?" Jenna bit her tounge and she mumbled, her voice shaking slightly "I'm good.." 'fuck now their gonna think something happening! Fuck Emma's hands fuck fuck fuck fuck... no no not really!' Jenna thought but her mind was stuck on a fantasy, She shook her head and she stared at hunter, joy and Emma Though Joy didn't notice hunter and Emma definitely did, Emma frowned not knowing she was the cause of Jenna's..Reaction? and hunter asked "Are you sure?"

Jenna cleared her throat, Hoping her voice wasn't shaky as she mumbled "I'm fine- Hey can I uh..- Leave for a bit?" Emma bit her lip and looked down, The three of them nodded and Emma grabbed onto her own thigh once again Jenna swallowed, Her brain was getting fuzzy as she walked out 'god what the fuck is happening to me? She doesn't even know what she does to me!' Jenna thought and she took a deep breath of the night air, Jenna jumped when the door behind her opened It was just Emma and she slowly walked towards her, Emma mumbled "You okay? You seemed..Nervous" Jenna gulped as she turned around to face Emma, her heart beat faster as she felt butterflies in her stomach "Yeah..yeah I'm good." She said softly before taking another deep breath Emma smiled softly and she walked to Jenna's side looking down at her Emma mumbled "You..Uh- Look very good"

Jenna blushed slightly but tried to hide it by turning away from Emma, trying to cover up her red cheeks with her hands "Thanks..." Emma tilted her head but she said "Ah..You're welcome but- Joy and hunter are waiting so uhm" Emma smacked her lips "Let's go back to the interview?" Jenna nodded with her lips pursed as she walked back, She sat down in the empty room while she looked into the camera and her eyes glided back to Emma again Though Emma was slightly more focused on her phone, Her texts were rapid and her eyes seemed anxious Jenna watched Emma's text and was confused until percy sent a text The text percy sent said: "Is anythung gon Oon betwrrn you and Emma?" The text seemed rapid and Jenna read: "Is anything going on between you and Emma?"

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