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The prom

No smut

Wednesday x enid

(765 words)

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It was prom night, Enid was already ready she was going with ajax to the prom, there was a knock on her dorm room she went to open it the gorgon stood there with a smile on his face

"You look absolutely beautiful" he said while looking up and down on the girl Enid smiled "thank you" she said and held ajax hand and they walked down to the prom

When they entered there was a lot of people already there, but she couldn't see Wednesday, maybe she doesn't come after all, the she-wolf thought and she got a little sad

But quickly wiped that thought away and concentrated on her date "I'm going to get us a drink" ajax said with a smile and walked away, leaving Enid alone

When he returned, he gave Enid her drink and they sat down to the table "what's on your mind?" The gorgon asked Enid, she was clearly lost in her thoughts "I'm looking for Wednesday, I can't find her anywhere"

The she-wolf said Worridly "don't worry, I'm sure she'll be here soon" ajax said with a smile and Enid nodded then took a sip of her drink

They begin talking, half hour has passed and Enid looked around to see if Wednesday was here, but she was nowhere to be found, Enid decided to wait for a little more

Then an hour has passed, and her roommate was still not here "I'm going to check on Wednesday" Enid said and stood up, ajax nodded with a smile on his face

She walked back to their dorm room and saw Wednesday standing in front of her bed, looking at a black dress "hi" the she-wolf said and walked closer

Wednesday looked at her roommate, she looked up and down then into her eyes "hey" the goth girl said quietly she turned to look at her

"Why don't you come to the prom?" Enid asked with a fading smile on her face and walked closer to the smaller girl "I feel idiotic in this dress" the goth girl said

Enid was now standing right next to her "try it on, let me see" Wednesday hesitated but she agreed, and begin to undress herself Enid looked away while she did

After a couple of minutes "I'm ready" Wednesday said quietly and Enid turned around, she was absolutely beautiful the she-wolf thought
She couldn't speak, and felt butterflies all around her stomach

"Right I told you it's bad" the goth girl said, and started to get the dress off of herself "no no, I am just speechless" Enid said and stopped Wednesdays movements

They were now extremely close to each other, Enid hesitated "you look absolutely beautiful, you look perfect" the she-wolf said it

She put her hands on each side of Wednesdays cheeks, the goth girl hands were on the she-wolf hips "Enid your making a mistake" Wednesday said quietly

"I don't think so" Enid replied with a smile, then closed the gap between them, Wednesdays lips were soft Enid thought, they both melted into the kiss

"Enid, I don't if I'm capable of love, and I don't deserve you, you deserve so much better than me" Wednesday said quietly looking into her eyes

"No, don't say that you are perfect for me I don't want anyone else just you"
Enid said with a smile on her face
Wednesday nodded and they walked down to the prom

"What are you going to say to ajax?" The goth girl asked, Enid looked around and saw Xavier and ajax kissing each other "I think nothing" Enid said and pointed at ajax

Wednesday didn't said anything, they went to dance and it was a slow song Enid hands were  on Wednesdays shoulder, and her hands were on the she-wolfs hips

Enid leaned in and kissed the smaller girl, it was slow and meaningful "you look perfect tonight" the she-wolf said when they pulled away

Wednesday had a little smile on her face "thank you, I can say the same for you, you look like an angel" the goth girl softly spoke

And the she-wolf smiled and blushed a little "thank you" Wednesday leaned up and kissed her again she couldn't get enough of her kisses she thought, after that they danced and after a while they went back to their dorm room

And fell asleep in each other's arms, Wednesdays arms were wrapped around the blonde girl, and soon they both had fallen asleep 

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