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The locker


(373 words)


,,is it there again?" Emma asks while almost dragging her head into your locker

,,yeah" you said. You grab the envelope, open it and read it. It's everytime the same thing. Everything is the same every Letter every word just that when the person wrote her Letter on it everytime a Letter is coming to it.

You look so gorgeous today Y/N



The next day arrived both you and Emma are standing by your locker ,,and it's there again right?"

,,yep" you say annoyed. You grabbed the Letter and open it. You wanted to read it but this time the Letter is different it's longer this time. Your eyes widen a little

,,What?!" Emma asks

,,uhh..." you trail off and the you start to read the Letter

Hey so I know that u r Kinda annoyed by me but I saw you every day when you opened my Letter and read it. I saw your cute little smile while you read it.

Today is the day you will know who I am  because i will tell you who I am...

I just want to say that I really fell in love with you. I watched you now for a little while (not in the creepy way) and I just admir you

And I really like you and I hope that you want to go on a date with me

So i'm asking you now....


Your eyes widen when you see the name. your shocked but smiling at the same time.

,,behind you" Emma whispered

You turn around and see jenna standing the smiling at you, She also has flowers in her hand ,,so... Y/N do you want to go on a date with me?" She asks smiling

You are looking shocked at her. No reaction comes out of you at first but then you get out of your stare and look right into her eyes.

,,u..uhm...I.. I yeahh okey" you smile at her. Her giving you the flowers that she held in her hands.

,,good decision. You won't regret it" she smirks, takes my hand and kiss it. You cheek turning Red as hell.

And you know that she will change your life completely....

WILDEST DREAMS | JENNA ORTEGA Where stories live. Discover now