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"You know, the way you draw is really cool." Jenna remarked, throwing some popcorn into her mouth.

Jenna is seated on the couch in your living room while your snugly cuddled into jenna's side as you both watched episode five of the friends show.

"Really? You think so?" You asked, looking up at jenna fondly.

"Definitely, that's fucking hot as hell." Jenna hummed, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead as jenna pulled you closer to herself.

Jenna's attention turned back to the TV, completely oblivious to the new look in your eyes as she stared at Jenna.

As jenna watched the episode, your hand slowly crept from jenna and moved to her thigh. You squeezed softly, sitting up so now your shoulder to shoulder with jenna.

Jenna didn't find your adjustment to be weird and found your hand on her thigh to be heartwarming. But soon her judgment changed as your hand traveled slowly upwards towards what was between jenna's thighs. Her breath hitched as you suddenly cupped jenna's crotch.

Your movements were slow, almost dull, as you pushed her onto her back and mounted atop jenna's midsection. There in that position, toni got a good view of your face.

Her eyes were flat, eyelids relaxed as she stared at you in a haze. The muscles in your face were unmoving as you tilted her head down, staring at jenna with the iconic 'Kubrick' stare. Your chest rose and fell sluggishly as her hands gently pulled jenna's shirt up and off of her body.

"Y/N-" jenna protest was abruptly cut off as your hand had grabbed Jenna's throat.

"Quiet." You snarled at her whilst carefully getting her sweatpants out of the way.

Earlier, when jenna had changed out of her work clothes and into comfortable wear, she disregarded undergarments as she intended to be as relaxed as possible while watching TV with her girlfriend. Now, in the predicament she is in, she wish she had chosen otherwise.

Your soft hands trailed up jenna's body, your fingers lightly brushing her breasts before you cupped jenna's face. Your lips grazed against jenna's, the comforting smell of your mint toothpaste overwhelmed jenna's nostrils before you gave her an open-mouth kiss.

Jenna recuperated your action, but she were quickly put down as your hand returned to her throat. She gently squeezed as you kissed jenna, humming in appreciation when you moaned at her choking jenna.

Eventually you left a trail of kisses down jenna's, leading to her chest where you were now face to face with jenna's boobs. You bring your mouth to one of her nipples, then bites it, not too harshly, but enough for jenna to feel a bit of pain.

Jenna sharply inhale and moan out, "Fuck Y/N."

You hum and starts to rapidly flick jenna's nipple with your tongue, making jenna's hips buck up. After doing that for thirty seconds or so, you switches to latching your mouth around her other nipple and sucks on it. Jenna moaned and tryed throwing her head back, further into the mattress, but it's impossible. Her hands find and grip her sheets, then you starts to suck harder.

"Hmm Y/N...wait!"

You doesn't, and proceeds to kiss down jenna's stomach to her pussy where your head resides in between her thighs.

"Such a pathetic little thing." You muttered monotonously, "You are already drenched."

She's about to whine, but then feel a finger tap her clit. A breathy moan leaves her mouth as your mouth gets closer to jenna then she blows on it, making her gasp and her hips buck up. You take her hands and grips her thighs, pushing them down into her mattress. You flattens your tongue and slowly licks a stripe from the bottom of jenna's entrance, all the way up to her clit.

She moan out, "Oh fuck, babe" and then your lips latch around jenna.

You suck on it for a couple seconds, then hums and her hips try and buck up, but you grip is too strong. You know your is not going fast enough for jenna, especially when she cried out "Faster , please!", but you doesn't budge. Your tongue slowly lapped away, gently rubbing against her clit.

Soon you were satisfied with your torture and moved your head down lower, teasing jenna's entrance with your tongue. You hum happily at the taste of jenna; so sweet and addictive.

The vibrations from her hum makes jenna moan loudly, then you gently inserts your tongue inside jenna's entrance. A louder moan escapes from jennas lips as you starts to move your tongue in and out of her at a fast pace, her stamina unwavering.

"Fuck ! Babe O-oh my god!" Jenna cried out, arching her back off the couch.

Jenna's orgasm comes faster than you expect, hitting you like a mac-truck. As she came, shaking slightly, you pull your head back to watch her come undone. After enjoying just staring at her, you lowered your head again to continue to attack on her clit.


After jenna breathed normal again She said: "Still...have no idea...why you do this now.." jenna sighed, letting you rest against her chest.

"You called my art hot, had to repay you for your compliment." You replied, snuggling into her warm body.

"Guess I have to call it hot more often." Jenna mumbled, causing you to giggle.

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