bonus chap.

866 16 3

Why are you so perfect?

Fluffy smut



You and jenna were currently lying on a blanket outside in a sunflower field with a beautiful sunset in the Sky. Jenna took you on a date for your 6. Wedding aniversary. You already have 2 Kids. They are 4 and 7. You barely have any alone time so thsts why jenna wanted to take you on a date. You hadn't had sex in a very long time and both, jenna and you, wanted or needed sex. With having a 4 year old daughter who wants to be ever where where her mothers are, there is no chance for any type of intimacy
You were all in the private No kids. No people at all. Just you and jenna.

Right now, jemna was already getting to work. Her mouth on yoid neck, leaving Marks and wandering down to her wife's chest. You are wearing a red flower summer dress without a bra, so there was no problem for jenna to get to work. She pulled the dress down and with that your full breasts came into display. Your nipples hardening immediately because of the slightly fresh air. ,,hm so gorgeous, my love" jenna smiles at you. You just giggled and played with Jenna's hair. Jenna started kissing around your breast, teasing around your nipple. You moaned when your wife started to suck on your nipple. Hard. Your head fall back with your mouth wide open.

,,fuck!" Jenna laughed when she hears you curse. It just sounded so sweet coming out of your mouth thst she couldn't even thing about what her wife just said.

Jenna made her way over to your other breast and gave it the same treatment as the other one. She kissed her way up again and you started kissing each other again. Soft and slow. ,,do you wanna start or should I start?" Jenna asks after pulling away. You smirk which let's jenna panick a bit cause that smirk means she is onto something.

,,how about we do it together. At the same time" you smile. Your hand resting ontop of Jenna's cheek. Jenna looks confused and needs a second until the realization hit her. Her eyes widen. You haven't done that for about 2 years now. Jenna grinning above both her ears and nodding like a little kid. You giggle and kiss your wife again.

Clothes were taken off after five minutes, both of you couldn't wait anymore So thst got to work fast.

All of the clothes are now lying next to both of the horny mothers. None of you caring about the mess you made.

,,alright let's get to work" you smile at jenna who was lying on her back. You turn, so thst your head was at Jenna's  crotch and your crotch hovering over Jenna's face. You spread Jenna's legs lightly and go to work immediately. You start off with tiny little licks on Jenna's clit and goes rougher and faster with every stroke you did. Jenna is already a moaning mess. But jenna stops moaning when you stop. ,,baby have you forgotten how this works? Get to work, love" jenna can't form words so ahe nods and start to devour your pussy. Both of you working and getting each other closer and closer to the edge.

You says something like 'im gonna cum jenna!'  But jenna can't really understand anything cause your face is still betweent her legs.

Jenna says something like that too and they both of you with a muffled cry.

You move yourself of jenna to lay your head on top of Jenna's chest.

,,that was so good, love. How are you so perfect? Bringing me here was awesome. Thank you baby. I love you so much" you smile looking at jenna and lean up to kiss her. Jenna smiles.

,,I love you too. So much"

After an hour or so you make yourselves ready and got home safely to go to bed and sleep without the kids in the house because they are still at they're grandparents house.

-So I hope there aren't any mistakes or different names lol cause I actually wrote this for another Story not jenna ortega but I had planned doing a Bonus chap for this story so though this was the perfect opportunity.

WILDEST DREAMS | JENNA ORTEGA Where stories live. Discover now