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The Trailer


Jenna x Gwen

(2405 words)


After a long day of filming on the set of wednesday in cold Romania, all Gwen wanted to do was go to her trailer, make herself a cup of coffee and sit down to catch a little shut-eye before being interrupted again. So that is precisely what she did. Going through the set to say her goodbyes to everyone around her, she spotted Jenna talking to Emma and saw her glance her way, she waved at Jenna and mouthed a little "see you" before continuing her way to her trailer.

Once she opened her trailer door, Gwen let out a deep breath and started making her coffee, reflecting on all that happened today. She had filmed her office scene with Jenna where she decided to lean over her desk like some aggravated animal staring directly at her prey, wednesday in this case, she had to hand it to Jenna for her almost perfect poker face because she did have to retake that scene twice, since the first time Jenna had been so surprised that the camera had caught her smirk and her knees bucking a bit. Therefore, they had to reshoot the scene, Gwen knew exactly what she had done to Jenna and liked every second of having to do it again. Gwen secretly loved all the attention and compliments Jenna was constantly praising her with, despite their age difference, as well as height difference, all Gwen wanted to do was spend endless time with Jenna and tease her to see how far this can go. She picked up her now full coffee cup from under the coffee machine in her trailer, took off her Weems outfit and changed into sweatpants and a T-shirt, but leaving her makeup and hair the same as before and sat down in her chair, leaning back and closing her eyes, finally being able to relax.

Gwen was so lost in thought about today that she almost didn't realize someone was knocking on her trailer door. "Who is it?" she asked aloud,

"it's me, Jenna".

Ah, perfect, just who she was thinking about.

"Come in darling," Gwen said as the door opened and Jenna appeared with a cute little smile on her face.

"I'm so glad I caught you before you left, I saw you walking by while I was with Emma, we were actually just talking about you," Jenna said while taking a few steps closer to Gwen on her chair, deciding to trail her hands on Gwen's shoulders and arms before sitting down on the armrest of the chair so she could look her in the eye.

"Oh really? what were you talking about?" Gwen responded as she took in all of what is Jenna sitting so close to her, she still looked a bit like wednesday, she was still in her outfit for the show, however, her hair was free from her braids and ran down her back and her precious freckles were visible. She looked gorgeous.

"Oh, you know, just how hot you were today in our office scene, that desk crawl was really something else woman, you can't just do that to a girl" Jenna laughed, a cheeky little smile on her face. Oh ok, that's how she wants to play... Gwen thought to herself, then she'll have to up her game as well.

She had broken up with her partner ages ago, it was mutual so she wasn't in much of a mourning phase, plus she hasn't had her fun with anyone recently since she's been too busy, and Jenna really is just making it so easy for her right now, she'll take her chances.

"Darling, you're too kind, I'm sure you can handle it though," Gwen said and leaned forward just the tiniest bit to be able to brush a stray hair out of Jenna's face. She saw Jenna's smirk and loved how confident the younger woman was, but she could also see her blush, she cupped the side of her face with her hand and pulled her a bit closer and said "I just love to tease you".

WILDEST DREAMS | JENNA ORTEGA Where stories live. Discover now