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Shy and horny

Mild smut

(1319 words)


"I never knew that facehuggers did that." Jenna murmured, eyes trained on the movie playing in front of you.

It was a lazy Friday night, with both of you free for the next few days so Jenna decided to make sure you both spent as much time as you could together. She suggested watching a movie, and you chose Alien as Sigourney Weaver was your save and grace.

Jenna was in your lap, turned sideways so her legs were thrown over your own. Her head rested on your chest while her hands captured yours so she could play with your fingers whenever she pleased. You rested your chin on top of her head, eyes falling shut from the day's exhaustion.

"I bet I could survive an alien attack." Jenna said, reaching into the popcorn bowl to grab a handful.

"Sure you can." You mumbled back, choosing to now rest your cheek on her instead of your chin, "You would be dead instantly."

"No I wouldn't!" She countered, smacking your stomach with the back of her hand, "I'm a natural final girl."

You hummed in response, opening your eyes to continue watching the movie. Jenna shifted in your lap, her hips gently grinding down into your crotch. You froze up, sucking in a quiet breath when she did it again. You knew she was just readjusting herself, but her movements were causing a certain reaction from your body.

Now you have had erections before, they were not new to you, but you've never been around Jenna when you have had them. Usually, you would just ignore it and watch some boring animal documentary to make it go away, and you've never gone out of your way to manually remove it.

It's not unknown to Jenna that you are a virgin, it was one of the things she found out very early on. Sex wasn't a huge, need-to-do thing for you, as you are perfectly fine with having a romantic relationship without needing to constantly fuck your significant other. Jenna respected that choice, and has never overstepped that line when caught in spontaneous make-out sessions.

That being said, she did wish that she could gain a bit more out of you. So when she finally found a better way to sit in your lap, she was incredibly surprised to feel a certain something beneath your pajama pants.

Her head slowly turned to you, eyes wide and curious, "Is that...?"

You gulped, tearing your eyes away from hers to look at the ground in shame. Jenna stared at you for a moment before awwing at you. One of her hands snaked around your jaw, pulling your face back to hers.

"No need to be embarrassed, my love." She said, pressing a kiss to your lips, "It's a normal thing to happen."

"Y-yeah but..." You stuttered, completely ashamed of your predicament, "It's never happened around you before..."

Jenna giggled, moving to straddle your lap. Her hands found your waist, giving her leverage to hover above your hips. Her eyes had a mischievous glint to them, her pupils expanding inside her brown iris's. Her lips parted, tongue running along her teeth before she asked you a question that made you feel lightheaded.

WILDEST DREAMS | JENNA ORTEGA Where stories live. Discover now