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The Fan Event


(This is so random this just how I would imagine my first time meeting jenna.)

(570 words)



Tonight was finally the night.

I grew up watching her on TV. At first it was just in commercials, but she slowly became more and more integrated into my TV programs.

When she got her own show, Stuck in the Middle, I started to pay more and more attention to her. I kept watching all of the projects she was in. The scream movies, X, The Fallout, You, American Carnage, and of much of her interviews and PR events. I've practically grown up alongside her.

She has no idea who I am, though.

Tonight, that's going to change.

Tonight I am going to meet Jenna Ortega.


I pull up to the expo right about when it starts, making sure I have my tickets.

I spend the first few hours looking at all of the merch and talking to other people at the event. everyone's so excited for the panel with the cast of Wednesday.

The panel itself was exciting, and I loved getting to see the cast live. Even if it was from far way.

After the panel, people run out of the convention space in a blur, practically climbing on top of each other.

It's loud, people are screaming, and the space reeks of weed and booze. 

It takes me forever just to get out of the building. By the time the people part and I can make a exit, I run for it. I need to get out.

I make it out of the area, but not without violently colliding with someone. I fall to the floor, directly on top of someone

"I'm so sorry!" I say quickly, "I didn't see you there."

"Don't worry about it," the girl under me says. I look down to see the girl I fell onto is non other than Jenna Marie Ortega. Shit. I scramble up to my feet, I can see her security team making it's way towards me. 

"Oh my god, can I help you up?" I ask. She's even prettier in person.

"I'm good, but thank you," she smiles, getting to her feet, "what's your name."

"I'm Y/n," I tell her, shaking her hand.

"Miss Ortega, is this girl causing you any trouble?" her team finally catches up to us.

"No not at all, it was an honest mistake," she tells them. I sigh in relief.

"Don't worry, I'm not one of your haters. Actually like the exact opposite. I'm such a huge fan, I've seen all of you projects!" I ramble, "you're like one of my favorite people. Oh my god I can't believe I crashed into you, I'm so so sorry."

"It's fine," she laughs, "I'm so glad I could meet such a devout fan." she gestures to my Tara Carpenter final girl T shirt.

"Oh my god, this is so embarrassing," I laugh awkwardly.

"Believe me, you're a lot better than some of my fans," she assures me.

"Why thank you."

"Well of course," she goes along with the old-timey politeness.

"Miss Ortega, your car is here," her guard informs her.

"Oh, of course. Well, Y/N, it was so nice to meet you! Maybe I'll see you some time soon!"


Oh my god. I can't believe I had a whole conversation with Jenna Ortega. 

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