twenty seven

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The wet dream

(Shit what's happening with me?! Pt.2)

(Here is the dream that emma had while jenna was sleeping besides her)

(633 words)


Emma was laying on the bed, She swore she had fallen asleep but she heard a knock and Jenna walked in, Jenna had a mischievous smirk and she slowly slid into the bed, straddling Emma's lap, Emma gasped and blush filled her cheeks, She couldn't tell if this was a dream or not but she whined out "Je-Jenna? What are you doing..?" Jenna giggled and she pinned Emma's hands above her head while she slid her dress off and her curvy ass and perky breasts were shown with a bra and underwear, Emma's eyes widen

er mind was spinning and she swallowed the hard knot in her throat and she whispered "Jenna? W-Wh?- What are you doing?"Jenna giggled and she pinned Emma's hands above her head while she slid her dress off and her curvy ass and perky breasts were shown with a bra and underwear.
Emma gulped again, Saliva was filling her mouth while her eyes glaze around Jenna's body and she unconsciously mumbled "You look so perfect.." Jenna blushed deeply and she whispered softly "Thank you babe.." While she slowly slid Emma's pajamas off. Emma's mouth gaped at the nick name and she mumbled "Wha- Babe? we aren't..-" Emma paused and she whimpered at the cold air hitting her legs and stomach, Leaving only her bra and boxers on Jenna kissed Emma's neck and she whispered "'s okay..."

She nibbled on Emma's ear lobe before pulling back to gaze at her face, Emma moaned, Her cock hardened under Jenna's thighs and her hands gripped onto Jenna's waist tightly, Jenna slowly rubbed her pussy against Emma's cock, teasingly rubbing it up and down until it throbbed and leaked pre cum
Emma gasped and squirmed, Her cock twitched with excitement while she felt the wetness between Jenna's folds that lubed Emma's cock. Jenna smiled devilishly and she kissed Emma passionately, slipping her tongue inside of her mouth while grinding her hips against Emma's cock and she moaned loudly, Emma whimpered and she begged shamelessly "Please- J-Jenna I- I want to be inside of you" Jenna grinned mischievously and she grabbed Emma by the back of her hair and mumbled "Would you be a good girl for me baby?" Emma gasped and she whined, Her sapphire eyes staring into Jenna's brown ones and she begged softly "Yeah-Yes I-I'll be the best girl.." Jenna broke away from their kiss and she looked deep in Emma's eyes and smirked "Say it again."

Emma hummed when Jenna tilted her jaw to look at her and she whispered "I'll be good- I-I'll be the best girl for you..-" Jenna smirked and she held Emma's face in her hands and she stared deeply into her eyes "Good girls get rewarded right?" Emma groaned inpatient and she squirmed under Jenna's hands while begging "Yes- Please- I-I want to finally be inside of you" Jenna grinned mischievously and she kissed her neck lovingly "Then say 'please' like a good girl~" Emma gritted her teeth and she groaned low "Please just- Just- Can you just..- Can you please let me cum?.." Jenna chuckled and she nodded "Of course baby! But first you have to promise me something..." Emma whimpered and she raised an eyebrow "Promise you what?" Jenna licked her lips and she stared into Emma's eyes while mumbling "That you won't talk about this dream."
Emma tilted her head and she mumbled "Huh?- Wh-What are you-" Jenna smiled sweetly and she ran her fingers through Emma's hair "Shhhh... It's okay baby, just wake up" Emma breathed in heavily and she was about to respond before she had woken up from her sex dream..

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