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Jenna x g!p Reader

(2295 words)


“And that is why I’ll never go skiing again!” You said, causing everyone around the table to laugh at your joke.

Jenna was sitting to your right, legs crossed with her hands in her lap while you chatted away to your fellow cast mates. It was your weekly group dinner, with everyone pitching in to make a dish and hang out to destress from the heavy workload of Wednesday Season 2.

Unbeknownst to you, Jenna was feeling incredibly bored. Not saying that you and her friends weren’t interesting, but she was wanting to be doing something different without them in the vicinity. Ever since this morning, when you decided to rile her up in the shower, she’s been incredibly horny and incredibly impatient.

“Baby” Jenna murmured, trying to catch your attention to no avail.

“Babe.” She tried again, her hand sliding to your thigh to squeeze it.

Again, you were completely unaware of her quiet pining and instead got dragged into another conversation with Georgie. Jenna stared at the side of your head, hoping your could feel her brown eyes piercing into your skull. She absentmindedly rubbed her thumb on your leg, glancing down when you twitched in response.

Jenna cocked her head to the side in curiosity, repeating her motion and letting out a quiet breath when you twitched again. She smirked, now overly confident that she had found a new pressure point on you; so she scooched closer, her hand sliding up and under your pants.

Your head whipped to her, eyes wide and shocked to feel her hand resting on your clothed cock. She stared back, an innocent and unsuspecting look on her face while she slowly massaged the bulge in your boxers. Her mocha eyes met yours, her smile taunting you as she slipped her hand past the hem of your underwear.

“Jenna.” You growled, eyes fluttery from the soft touch of her fingers, “Maybe…we shouldn’t…”

“Oh but we should.” She whispered, speeding up her strokes while being so thankful for the cover of the table, “I’m bored, got to have something to do.”

You bit your lip subtlety, letting out a quiet groan when she squeezed your shaft. Carefully and slowly, you pulled her unused jacket over your lap so no one could see the situation that you were caught in. The last thing you wanted would be for people to see Jenna’s hand down in your pants and to see that she was playing an extremely dangerous game.

A whimper passed your lips, feeding into Jenna’s ever growing ego. The glint in her eyes was sharp, proud that she had this effect over you.

“Okay!” Both of your heads snapped to Joy, “I paid, we are good to go!”

You sighed gratefully, and moved to get up and leave. Just before you could move an inch, Jenna sped up her movements to be quite fast. You gasped a little too loud, catching the attention of others, but you played it off with a grab of your stomach and a wave that said “just feeling a bit sick”, and that seemed to work because people nodded and began to walk away.

“Jenna!” You hissed quietly, grabbing her wrist to attempt to pull her hand away, “H-here in public? R-really?”

She hummed, rolling her thumb over your tip just the way you liked it. Your breath hitched, eyes rolling back in pleasure, and you soon realized that you just came all over her hand and your boxers. You exhaled, chest heaving up and down while you attempted to calm down your shaking body. Jenna’s hand finally pulled away, and you watched with hazy-wide eyes as she licked her fingers clean of your cum.

WILDEST DREAMS | JENNA ORTEGA Where stories live. Discover now