twenty four

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The after Party


G!p reader

(2879 words)



ou woke up to the sound of a loud noise that irritated you. You groggily opened your eyes and looked around, trying to figure out what was going on. Jenna pressed against your chest, her eyes fluttering open as well. She groaned, rubbing her eyes with her fists, before sitting up.

The sheet fell from her body revealing her naked figure, confusion written on her face. She looked around before turning to you, a question in her eyes. "What is that noise?" she asked.

You shook your head, still trying to make sense of the situation. "I'm not sure," you replied, sitting up as well. As you listened more closely you realized the noise was coming from the kitchen. "Wait, I think it's coming from the kitchen." Jenna hums in response, falling back against the pillows. You snort, she must be really tired.

As you walked towards the kitchen and became closer to the noise, you realized it was coming from Jenna's pants pocket. You reach inside pulling out her phone to see the source of the noise, revealing it to be an alarm on her phone. Pressing the stop button, you're finally relived of the sound as you walk back into your bedroom.

You lay back down beside Jenna, a smirk on your face as you wiggle her phone. "It was your alarm." She groggily grabs it from your hand, laughing in embarrassment. "Seriously? Why would I have an alarm for 4:15 in the morning?" she mumbles annoyed at herself.

She places her phone down on the dresser next to the bed, turning back to a smiley you. "Maybe it was meant for yesterday afternoon," you shrug.

You sometimes did that yourself, accidentally setting a morning alarm instead of night or afternoon one.

She hums, " know what I just realized?" She turns to you with a mischievous smirk. "I forgot to look at your butt when you left."

You laugh, shaking your head but rolling over on your stomach giving her a chance to look. Jenna pulls up the covers and indeed does look at your butt, saying "I'm glad I got to see it. I barely got the chance to last night."

She smacks your butt and you yelp, rolling back over to face her. "Hey!"

Laughing, she covers her mouth. "I was given an opportunity, I just took it." You give her a stern look, but can't help but smile. "I suppose I can't be mad at that," you say, shaking your head.

Jenna grins turning around on her side. You snuggle behind, spooning her. You kiss the back of her neck, nuzzling into her. She sighs contentedly slightly turning around in your arms. "I'm not tired anymore."

You laugh, and she leans in and kisses you gently. You close your eyes, feeling her lips against yours, god. You couldn't get enough. And neither could she. A hand moves to your face pulling you closer to her lips.

Your heart races as Jenna deepens the kiss, her lips and tongue moving skillfully against yours. You can feel the warmth of her body and the electricity between you both. You want to stay in this moment forever. A risky hand moves to her chest, groping it softly. The brunette moans against your lips, taking it further by wrapping a hang around your cock.

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