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The office squirt

Mild smut but kinky

(3481 words)


"We bought you a gift."

The small, rectangular shaped box was placed on jenna's desk as she was grading exams in the classroom. Her early morning class was already out, so she had been sitting there alone for a while.
"Oh?" Jenna replied, looking at the small, gift wrapped item.
"A few of us chipped in on something special for you," emma replied. "Just the ladies for this one, of course. You'll see why when you open it."
Jenna's eyebrow rose. "Really? We did the gift exchange last week? Or was there another secret thing that I'm not aware of?"
"It's a little something extra. As this year's 'Teacher of the Year' winner, we thought you deserved an extra prize."
There was a zest in emma's statement, which jenna knew all too well.

"Is it?" Jenna asked skeptically.
"Yep. It's something to keep you warm over winter break. Go on, have a look."
Jenna played along. "Hmm? What could keep me warm over winter break and fit inside this box? A tiny scarf? A miniature heater?"
"You're way off. Why don't you open it and find out already?"
"Well, then, I love surprises. And thank you for this, I owe you ladies something I return, I suppose.
Emma gave a cryptic grin. "Don't thank us yet. But I'm sure you will later."
"Fair enough."
Jenna dug her fingers in and tore into the gift wrap to reveal a white, unmarked box. When she lifted the lid, she got the surprise of her life.
It was a vibrator. Silver. Shiny. New.
"What the---" jenna gasped.
Emma smiled. "Like it?"
"We're in a classroom," jenna gasped again, then closing the box.
"That's okay. No one is around. It's just us."
"It's a vibrator."
"Don't be judgmental now. It's 2018, almost 2019. Plenty of women use these."

"I've never," jenna said.
Emma shrugged. "Times are changing, Em. Nowadays, they're opening sex brothels for men, where all the 'women' are sexbots which almost look lifelike. They're making those for women, too. Compared to that, a vibrator is practically a relic of the past."
"So this is welcoming me to the 21st century."
"Uh huh."
Jenna pushed the box towards her colleague. "Don't you have anything better to do on finals week?"
"So you're rejecting the gift?"
"It's not a real gift. It's a gag gift."
"Depends on where you put it," emma quipped. "Even you are savvy enough to know where a vibrator goes."

"Very funny. Now please, you keep it. I insist. It'll be my gift to you."
"You always used to say that re-gifting was rude, didn't you?"
"Vibrators were never part of that equation," jenna said.
Just as she said that, a pair of students walked down the hall, having a conversation about how difficult their calculus exam was. It was a reminder to jenna to keep it down, or risk any passersby hearing this embarrassing conversation.

"Keep an open mind," emma said, sliding the box back to jenna. "Can you do me that favor? We spent a lot of time thinking about what to get you, and we spent a few bucks also."
"How much is it worth? 30 dollars?"
"$500 to be exact."
"For this?" Jenna asked incredulously. "On a teacher's salary?"
"It's an advanced model. It has all the latest ribbings, along with all sorts of vibrational stimulators, designed to target all of your pleasure spots. Yes, it's worth every fucking penny."
Jenna felt compelled to lift the lid of the box a little and take another peek at it. After stealing a glance, she closed the top again.
"No promises," jenna said. "But I'll hang onto it, because I don't want to reject a gift from you all."
"That's the spirit."

Their private conversation was interrupted when the percy swung by and gave a knock by the open door. He had walked over so fast, that it was unlikely that he heard any sensitive information.
"Hey ladies," percy said with a wave, while holding a large folder with his other hand. "I hope I'm not disturbing anything. Jenna, we still need to go over next year's scholarships, along with budgeting plans for the Math department next semester."
Jenna casually clenched the box, protecting her secret. "Right, I still remember. I've already typed everything up."
"Perfect. Are you free in 15 minutes? What time is your next final?"
"10 am."

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