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A/N last but not least :/

The secret

Jenna x Gwendoline


Jenna hadn't meant to hide her relationship from her friends. Just like she hadn’t meant to fall for Gwendoline. She still couldn’t believe Gwendoline Christie, (the actress/model/most stunning woman in the world) was her girlfriend. A few months ago she would have laughed in the face of anyone merely suggesting the idea. But here she was, sneaking around the Wednesday premiere after-party with Gwendoline so the rest of the cast wouldn’t spot them. After they started dating they decided that it would be better to not tell anyone about their relationship, Gwendoline was certain that it would cause a discourse and with Jenna finally gaining the attention she deserved a scandal wouldn't be good for her career. And since everything that happened during the making of Wednesday seemed to get out, Gwen was hiding it from her friends as well. As far as anyone else was concerned she was still just the coworker who Jenna had a girl crush on. This may have been the case a few weeks ago, but since that night on the set the bickering and teasing had turned more romantic and sincere.

lus they did other things as well now. Things Jenna really enjoyed.
So while everyone still thought that they were work friends, nothing could be less true as Jenna led Gwen into her hotel room. The blonde started taking her heels off as Jenna locked the door in a hurry, hearing a soft laugh from where Gwendoline was sitting on the bed. Jenna quickly climbed on top of her.
She closed the distance not a second later to feel the taste of the other woman’s lips on hers. The brunette would never tire of kissing Gwen. The woman always managed to look like she was stolen from a museum, but she was something else when she looked like this, hair slightly messy, her pupils blown up and her lipstick smudged from the kissing.

Her white blazer was halfway down her arms and her blouse half open. A moan escaped Jenna’s lips as the blonde moved her lips down to her jaw. She tilted her head so Gwendoline would have better access and felt her smirk against her skin. Jenna pulled Gwendoline’s blazer down her arms the rest of the way, hands then traveling down the blonde's body and untucking Gwen's blouse when her phone interrupted.
“I'll go turn it off“ A growl escaped Jenna as she pulled back from Gwendoline. 

“It's Hunter, I'll call him back later,” Jenna happily got back to her previous activity after turning off her phone. However, seconds later she heard her name being yelled through the door. She groaned as she pulled back from Gwen for a second time.
“Jenna?” It was Hunter’s voice. “Jenna, are you in your room? There’s a guy downstairs, a producer. He says he wants to meet you.”
Jenna looked at Gwendoline conflicted with what to do, the blonde held her face with one hand and started to tidy her hair and lipstick up, so Jenna wouldn't look like she had just been making out. “Go, we'll continue later.” 
“I’ll be there in a few!” Jenna called back after giving the other woman a quick peck on the lips. 

The next time they got interrupted they weren’t even in the hotel. The moment Jenna had given Gwendoline that adoring look that usually appeared on her face whenever the blonde spoke, they were giving an interview. In London and not in the mood to get interrupted by one of their colleagues again, they went to Gwendoline's apartment. The moment they stepped through the door and into Gwen's living room, the blonde placed kisses all over the younger woman's face. Jenna tilted her head to have better access and when Gwen continued to kiss her all over except for where she wanted it the most, Jenna tangled her hand on her hair pulling the blonde down and finally kissing her on the lips. Gwendoline let out a small moan when Jenna bit her lower lip. Gwen’s hands were underneath Jenna’s shirt, tracing her nails through the brunette's skin.
Gwen’s hands moved upwards towards Jenna’s breasts and the woman moaned at the touch. She felt the blonde smirk against her mouth at the sound but was too preoccupied to pay much attention to it.

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