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The privat Party

Vada cavell

(1378 words)


The moment you stepped into Mia's house, there were various greetings thrown your way. 

"Hey, Y/N!"

"Y/N! Looking good."

"You got any weed on you, Y/L/N?"

You ignored them all in favor of trying to tug Vada through the crowd, keeping her pulled close to your back to assure yourself that she was still there. You were trying to be quick, hoping that no one would comment on the fact that your hair was leaving a trail of water or how you and Vada were wearing almost nothing except for your underwear and the towels wrapped around your bodies. You especially didn't want to run into Mia and have to explain that--oh, us? We were just gonna go fuck in your guest bedroom. No biggie, right?

Unfortunately, life never worked quite the way you wanted it to.

You were halfway down the hall, the guest bedroom's door open and in sight, your heart threatening to leap out of your throat and heat building in your stomach when you thought about what was to come, when Mia stepped out of the bathroom and directly into your footpath. You came to a sudden stop, and Vada flew into your back, groaning at the force.

It took Mia a moment to realize that it was you she had almost run into, but when she did, her face lit up. "I've been looking for you!" she slurred excitedly. "Where have you bee--" She cut herself off as she looked over your shoulder, and you could visibly see the moment she understood what was happening because she immediately glanced down at your attire and then back at Vada, her eyes widening in shock. "Wait, are you--In my...In my guest bedroom?"

You huffed, knowing that you would never hear the end of this from her. "Shut up, Mia," you muttered, trying to step around her. However, she threw an arm out, catching the wrist that wasn't being held by Vada's lithe fingers.

"Are you serious, Y/N?" she asked, disbelief lacing her tone.

You tilted your head. "Well, it was either your guest bedroom or in your pool, so..."

Mia chuckled and let go of you. "Then be my guest," she said as she pointed toward the bedroom. You rolled your eyes as you stepped past her, tugging Vada with you. "Just...change the sheets tomorrow, okay?" Mia called out after you, and you offered her a lazy thumbs up before you pulled Vada into the room and slammed the door shut.

"Well, that was both humiliating and--"

You didn't get to finish your sentence as Vada pushed you up against the door, her lips feverishly pressed to yours. You moaned at the feeling, reaching up to wrap your arms around her shoulders, and your towel fell to the ground. Vada immediately took advantage of this newfound nakedness, her hands gripping your hips and fingers playing with the waistband of your panties. 

When air became a problem, you pulled away, and the brunette simply busied herself with dipping her head down to your neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses against your skin. You sighed, leaning your head to the side to give her more room. 

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