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Y/N pov

With how much my wife has been working it leaves me home alone almost all the time, she comes in late at night, sleeps, we eat breakfast and then she's out the door again. Of course, I know being a fashion Designer is hard work and it's time consuming, but I miss her.

I want to say I miss being close to her, watching Movies until sunrise while sleeping in each other's arms but u qm more so sexually frustrated. I miss how sexy she makes me feel and how her hands feel on my naked body, her lips pressed against my neck and her teasing words.

Instead of making my myself hornier with the thoughts of my girlfriend I decided to make dinner for when she does get home. I started a random playlist on my phone, and I danced to the music wie effortlessly making garlic chicken and Spaghetti. But after it was made, and I started putting everything into the Containers the Song 1st position by Kehlani started playing and I let out a deep breath.

I whined under my breath as I leaned against the counter, the need and want of her hands Roaming all over my body, making my skin and claiming my body as hers clouded mine, I craves her home touching my body and I can't help it. I quickly out away the food and put the dirty dishes into the dish washers.

I stopped the music and went upstairs to our room, I searched for the Box of toys we have under our bed and looked through it until I found the familiar purple vibrator, I slid the Box banc under the bed and after I took my clothes, I sat on my knees in the middle of the bed with my legs spread open.

I pressed the Medium Level of the vibrator, and it filled the room with buzzing Sound, it's the only Sound to be heard throughout the house. I held the vibrator in my less dominant Hans and cupped my breast, the vibrations of the bullet Hit my nipple and I let out a shor breathy whine. There was nothing I wanted more than Jenna's hands on my body.

With my more dominant hand I reached down and circled my clit and finally I let out a loud low moan, I kneaded my breast and lowered my hand to slip between my folds, dripping wet of how much I've thought of her. I closed my eyes and placed the vibrator on my clit, that sent a jolt through my body. I gasped and began to finger myself, the combination of my fingers curling inside of me, and the vibrations made my mind go foggy.

All I van hear is the sound of my breathing mixed with my moans, the buzzing between my legs and the lewd noises of my fingers pushing in and out of myself, I leaned my head back as my fingers hit the right Spot and I started to imagen Jenna's hands on my skin, pushing my legs further apart as her fingers work me over the edge.

The words she would sah to make me melt under her touch; her lips pressed to my neck leaving hickeys as her free hand Fondle my breasts. I felt my body begin to shake and I opened my eyes and Lifted my head a little to see Jenna leaning on the doorframe with her arms crossed and a mischievous smile.

Out of the instinct of being caught I stopped almost immediately. I pulled my fingers out with being on the edge of coming ans nearly threw the vibrator across the room. ,,oh, don't mind me darling, i'm just enjoying the show" she grapped the Controller of the vibrator but put the vibrator back on my clit.

,,jenna your home early" I moaned out the words and tried closing my legs, but she kept them open by sitting between them.

" we finished designing for the next couple of months. Enough about me," she grabbed my fingers and sucked them clean." Make yourself cum. or do you need help?" She let go of my hand and pushed me back on the bed. ,,I'd like you to make me cum" i whined as she moved moved legs so i'm lying on the bed ,,I know sweetheart, you've be craving for it, haven't you" She guided my hand back between my legs.

,,yes oh god jenna please!" I almost screamed when jenna then also starts to suck on my left nipple . Jenna smirks around my nippme and immediately going to thrust her finger inside me. Moving them wildly while my back then starts to arch.

,,shit shit shit. Oh GOD!" I screamed when my juice starts to come out of me, jenna moving her hand even faster now and my juice goes all over my lower stomach, thighs and on Jenna's blue jeans and white blouse. After my mind blowing orgasm my breath gets now more under control and jenna starts to chuckle.

,,you did good babe" she smirks while still chuckling.

,,thanks" I breathed out while smiling. After a few minutes everything goes black because I felt asleep

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