twenty two

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Coming out going wrong

Welpe.. this is sad


( And this really broke my heart)

(2304 words)


You sat in your car outside the small two-story house. Its brown walls and open windows seemed to mock you, tall and daunting. Of course, it wasn’t the house that set your nerves on edge, your anxiety growing the longer you sat, it was what lay inside. Your parents.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jenna asked, watching you worriedly from the passenger seat.

No. You didn’t want to do this. You’d rather go back home and binge-watch TV with Jenna for the rest of the night. But what would life be if not for making hard choices?

“Not really. But I need to.” You grimaced, thinking about what horrors the night might bring.

“I’ll be right here the whole time,” Jenna interlocked your fingers with hers, doing her best to reassure you.

“Thank you, baby,” You brought her hand to your lips, kissing the back of her knuckles.

You knocked on the front door, pushing it open without waiting for anyone to answer it. It was your childhood home after all, and you knew your parents wouldn’t mind.

“Mom? Dad?” You stepped into the hallway, Jenna following just behind you.

“y/n?” Your mom appeared from around the corner, your dad just a few steps behind her.

“How are you, baby?” She held out her arms for a hug, which you fell into.

“I’m alright,”

“Good! Happy birthday, sweetheart.”

“Thanks, Mom,”

She finally let you go, her eyes catching Jenna standing just over your shoulder. “Jenna, darling, so good to see you again!”

You let the two of them do their thing while you greeted your dad.

He pulled you in for a hug, patting you on the back, "Happy birthday, kiddo,"

"Thanks, Dad,"

Your dad was more on the quiet side, unlike your mom who was very much a social butterfly. He was usually the more relaxed one, which you often found comfort in.

The sound of conversation mixed with that of clinking silverware. Dinner had been served and everyone was catching up. Your parents were currently talking off your girlfriend’s ear, interrogating her on her up-and-coming projects.

But you weren't paying them any attention. Your eyes were dead set on the table, lost in your own world of thoughts. Would they be mad? Disappointed? Upset? Of course, they would be upset, this was going against everything they believed in... Would they call you names, or just shun you altogether? Would they throw you out? Cut you off? Not that you relied on them much anymore financially, but still, they were your parents...

WILDEST DREAMS | JENNA ORTEGA Where stories live. Discover now