Before We Start

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Now those who saw I was writing another book before this one don't worry the book will return it just that I couldn't forces and think of chapters mainly because I wanted to write this one instead.

Kai was taken from his family from a young age then found my a lovely snake who was in hiding and was one of the last of her tripe who is alive.

Mira the kind snake who took in kai is part of the Dragoslytherin tribe. There kind was never part of the war and like to keep to themselves. There kind have horns and wings on there back as well as a powerful venom. They learn how to camouflage really well and they can hypnotize creatures when they really want to. There aren't many left of there kind due to the war, other snakes tribes, elemental masters, predators, changing habitats, and mother nature. They say these snakes can talk to dragons and are able to use some of the dragons power to protect themselves. They also are known to protect dragons until there ready to go off into the world unknown.

The Dragoslytherin aka Mira tribe had to learn how to turn into and speak human in order to survive.

She raise Kai to the person he is today before she past on but before she did she left kai a gift.

Kai is taking care of a dragon that his mom left him

Dragon name:
Blaze: Male Fire Dragon

Nya does know she had a brother but doesn't know what happen to him. She thinks that he went missing with there parents.

The ninja always see the element of fire in temples they have been going to but doesn't know why the element is so important or who this so called fire elemental is.

People who are in the tournament (Don't know if this is everyone):

Karlof: Metal
Skylor: Amber
Ash: Smoke
Griffin Turner: Speed
Jacob Pevsner: Sound
Gravis: Gravity
Neuro: Mind
Bolobo: Nature
Tox: Poison
Chamille: Form
Shade: Shadow
Mr. Pale: Light
Kai: Fire
Nya: Water
Jay: Lighting
Cole: Earth
Lloyd: Energy
Zane: Ice

Garmadon: Destruction
Clouse: Sorcerer
Chan: Host

⚠ Warning ⚠ This book might hold cursing, bad language, violence, mention of Abandonment, mention of death, maybe Bullying, Kidnapping, Mentally & Physically Abuse, and maybe even more.

Don't Own Ninjago

Will be posted Whenever

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