Chapter 14: We Need To Talk

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Kai Pov:

The next day roll around faster than I wanted it. I didn't want to deal with the whole ninja thing. Like what the hell do they want to talk to me about?

I got up and went to get some breakfast before sitting at a table myself but of course that didn't last long because the water ninja had decided to come over me.

Nya: We need to talk

Kai: No we don't I don't want to talk to you so leave me alone.

I got up and went to head to my room but I was grab. I could tell people were looking at us now but I didn't care.

Kai: Let go of me I Don want to talk to murderers

Nya: We aren't murderers and why are you acting like this

Kai: Why I'm acting like this? I don't even know you and yet you grab me and demand to talk to me for some reason? Why?

Nya: Because your my brother

Kai: I am not your brother and your not my sister. If we even were related by blood I wouldn't want a murderer to be my sister. You killed my adopted mother.

Jay: Dude what are you talking about?

Kai: Why should I tell you? Also why am I even talking to you guys?

Lloyd: Guys just drop it and leave him alone

Kai: Ya listen to your leader like the dogs you are

Jay: Ok buddy we have problems now why the hell are you call us murderers.

Kai: Because you killed my mother. She love and care for me for so long but then you, ice head, and sister want of be here took her away from me and if it wasn't you leader who started in the first place then I won't have a problem with you guys now let me go.

That is when everyone in the cafeteria had started yelling at them to let me go and of course they did. I gave them a death glare before walking out and heading back to my room alone.

After a while now I heard a knock.

Kai: * Sigh* If you came to talk to me again I don't want to-

That is when I open my door to see the earth ninja there and I started to feel myself calm down.

Kai: Oh its you never mind what you do want? Did the other ninja send you?

Cole: No they didn't it just you call my whole team murderers but you haven't call me that personally why?

Kai: *sigh* because you save her.

Cole: You mom?

Kai: Come in I don't want to speak in the open like this.

That is when Cole came in my room and had sit on my bed and boy did he look surprised.

Cole: Lucky you have a real bed. My bed is made put of rocks.

Kai: Hey it could be worse I heard the master of poison have to sleep with poison ivy around her bed

Cole: Yikes

Kai: Anyways you wanted to know why I treated you differently from the others?

Cole: Yes I do

Kai: *sigh* fine I guess I do owe you. My mom had a rare sickness she was dying slowly but when she found me and took me in, she found ways to make sure she stay alive longer for my sake. Then the say the great devourer happen. My mom was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was getting away from the place where your big fight happen but luck wasn't on her side. The ice Ninja froze the ground area where she was running which made her trip and fall. She hurt her leg yet none of the ninja seem to notice. Then the lighting ninja who was fighting the snake strike a building near by and a part of the building fell and crush my mom. She was still alive under there but really hurt. Then when the water ninja was trying her best to help she accidentally made the toxic fumes that came from the building go into the air forcing my mom to breath it in. She didn't even tell me. I found out a few months later after reading her journal on what happen that day.

Cole: Umm dude you know that was an accident right?

Kai: I know they didn't mean to do it but at the same time I can't help but blame them for it.

Cole: But that didn't explain why you don't hate me.

Kai: Well you save her. You found her in time and was able to lift the building off of her. She was able to escape because of you and that why I don't hate you but I do hate everyone else on your team.

Cole: I see *sigh* thank you for umm telling me

Kai: Your welcome also umm if you need anything you can umm come by at any time hehehe

Cole: Ok I will keep that in mind but I better get going the others might be looking for me soon.

Kai: Then you should go.

With that Cole got up and left. As soon as he shut the door though I fell on my bed freaking out.

Kai Mind: Why does he have to be so hot

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