Chapter 4: First Step

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Kai Pov:

That is when My training started. It started easy at first maybe because I was still young and she didn't want to push to much on me.

Mira: Your power can be activated by emotions but never let one emotion cloud your judgement.

Kai: What do you mean?

Mira: Well having powerful emotions can make you use your power in different ways. Like when you love and care about someone you would want to protect them but there is also danger to it like anger. In the past there were elemental masters that were control by angry during the serpentine war and because of this there power did more wrong than good. Never let your emotions control you because if you do, you can do thing that you might regret later on.

Kai: So I have to keep a clear mind?

Mira: No Not really I'm just saying even though having emotions is a good thing, never let those emotions cloud your judgment alright?

Kai: Ok mom

Mira: Now lets start doing something simple. I want you to start a small fire over there. I will be gone to get get some food. I want you to focus and start a fire

Kai: But that sound so boring

Mira: Well we are taking baby steps right now. I don't you to over exhausting yourself.

Kai: Ok Fine I will make a fire

With that I got up and collected some things for the fire. Mom always told me to make sure I have a clear area and to put rocks around the area you want to start the fire at so it won't spread.

I then gather the wood and started a small fire. Mom then return with some food. She started teaching me how to cook and clean by myself mainly because she wanted me to understand everything before something bad happens to her.

I don't know why she wants to teach me all of this stuff so fast like come on its not like I'm going to loose her any time soon.

After we were done eating I was about to put the fire out but she stop me.

Mira: I want you to move the flame with your hands. I know it might be hard but if you focus enough you can do it

Kai: Ok That sound easy

*Two Hours later*

Kai: I can't do it. Why does it have to be so hard.

Mira: Well nothing is easy in life Kai.

That is when Mira as slither over to be before sitting down right next to me. She close her eyes and I saw the fire started to move. I was in shock.

She then look at me before giving me a smile. She soon move the fire in the sky and shape it into a bird. The bird flew around in the night sky before disappearing into ashes.

Kai: Woah I didn't know you can do that. Are you also an elemental master?

Mira: *softy laugh* No I am but you see my tribe were very close to dragons. We had the power to use dragon abilities to are own liking but of course my kind doesn't like using are power.

Kai: Why?

Mira: Well it kinda tradition in a way. I would guess its because even though we had powers from the dragons doesn't mean we should use them for selfish games. We would only use them to teach others or to protect are selves from predators and danger.

Kai: That understandable actually

Mira: It is? Why don't you explain why?

Kai: Well umm it because umm oh wait here an example. If you have a power and use it everyday for the rest of your life then loose it, you would most likely feel useless. That because you were so Independent on your power that you didn't learn how to do your own thing in life.

Mira: Your sorta right but that doesn't mean you weren't wrong. All you said was true but its also because my kind saw this as a gift and if we use up are gift, it feels like we are just taking advantage of the dragons that gave it to us. Now I think its time for bed

Kai: Awww but I don't want to go to bed

Mira: You have you come on now. Tomorrow is going to be a new day

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