Chaper 22: Traitor

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Kai Pov:

I was minding my own business when I ran into Skylor again. I look at her before speaking.

Kai: I smell a snake

Skylor: A snake?

Kai: Yes a snake have you been oh I don't know hanging out with one as a lately?

Skylor: No I haven't

Kai: Huh weird. I guess my mom didn't teach me as well as I thought then

Skylor: Your mother? Wasn't the water ninja you sister?

Kai: Yes well I think she is. I don't know I was after all kidnap from my family and then found and raise by a snake.

Skylor: Why are you telling me this

Kai: Oh I don't know maybe because I'm bored or maybe because I swear I can smell a snake on you but it doesn't matter.

With that I left her there. I just smile before leaving. Then the whole someone is the traitor thing happen.

Kai: But I don't want to take my shirt off

Jay: Then your the traitor

Kai: No I'm not but I know who is

Lloyd: You do?

Kai: Of course I do and its None of your business. Why should we even find this so call traitor anyways.

I then took off my shirt fully so they can see my back. I didn't have a tattoo of a snake on my back but I did have a tattoo of a dragon and a snake combine together. The snake had horns and wings as it supposedly represent the type of snake my mom was while the dragon look more like blaze in a way.

Kai: See I'm not your stupid traitor. The only tattoo I have is of my family and that it.

Jay: And your family are two dragons?

Garmadon: One of those are a dragon the other one is a snake from the Dragoslytherin tribe.

Kai: Hun kinda surprised you knew what the snake sympathize mean

Garmadon: Of course I know what it means but why do you have it.

Kai: I have it because my mom was a part of that tribe

Garmadon: Wait there still alive!?

Kai: I don't know anymore after all they all went into hiding after the stupid war anyways we are getting out of track.

In the end everyone other than me thinks shade is are traitor. Then the alarm happen about a challenge on the island. Apparently Chen had hide something on the island for are last challenge and that its up to us to find it.

We all took groups as we started looking after getting far though I turn to Skylor and smile at her.

Kai: I know by the way

Skylor: Know what?

Kai: That your the traitor of course. I'm not stupid I knew almost the whole time

That is when Chen appear out of no where.

Chen: So you knew the whole time

Kai: Of course I knee I also knows she your daughter

Skylor: And you didn't tell anyone

Kai: Of course I didn't tell anyone I don't care for what happens to them the only think I care about if finding Cole and Blaze now where are they.

Chen: *Laugh* So you only care about those two huh?

Kai: Of course I do. Blaze is like my brother while Cole is something more special to me than you will ever know.

With that I use my fire and grab Skylor. She scream in pain but I don't care

Kai: I will kill your daughter right in front of you if I don't find out right now that there safe and sound

Chen: There ok young fire master I promise you that

Kai: They better

With that I let go of her before looking at Chen.

Kai: So you need my power right?

Chan: Yes I do

Kai: I'll give it you only if I get Cole and Blaze back do we have a deal

Chan: We do

Kai: Good

With that I walk over and help Skylor up before walking with Chen. I smile at Skykor before faking being caught by her and I even let her throw me in the cage. Then my power was taken away like the others and I knew it was show time.

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