Chapter 18: Cole Match Up

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Kai Pov:

The next day roll around and I open my eyes to see Cole holding and cuddling up to me.

I blush bright red before calming down and cuddling back. I did not want this day to end mainly because I know what would happen after this whole thing is finish and done with.

I would leave with blaze and never be able to look at the ninja again because of my actions. I keep my eyes close while thinking when I felt movement.

Kai Mind: I guess he waking up

Cole Pov:

I started to wake up from one of the best goodnight sleeps. I haven't been getting sleep as a lately and because of that I been more tired because of it.

I open my eyes to notice Kai was cuddling up to me. It took me a few seconds before I started to freak out.

Cole Mind: What happen last night? Why can't I oh ya I got into a fight with Jay and Kai took me to his room so we can chill and hang out.

I wanted to go back to sleep but then Chen came on the intercom telling all of us to wake up and get dress.

Kai: Good Morning

Cole: Oh I didn't know you were awake

Kai: I was thinking sorry

Kai then move out of my arms and when he did all I wanted was to take him back into my arm

Cole Mind: Don't think stuff like that Cole what is wrong with you

Kai: We better get ready

Cole: Right

After getting ready we both headed to breakfast I could feel Jay looking at me and giving me death stares.

I didn't want to deal with them so I decided to sit with Kai. I could tell it made Jay much more upset. Then Chen came on the intercom

Chen: I want to remind people to see who is fighting today and remember only one can remain

Kai and I decided to check to see who is fighting today and it seem that I ma going to fight today but I was shock to see who I was fighting. I was going to fight Jay.

Jay: Oh great I'm going to have to Cole

Kai: Cole you ok?

Cole: I don't know I didn't want this to happen. I just wanted Peace but now I don't know

Kai: I'm sure we will figure this out

That is when Jay and Lloyd had decided to come up to Kai and I.

Jay: Peace!? one of us have to loose and its most likely me

Lloyd: There has to be a way to get around this

Kai: Look I don't like you guys but I don't want Cole to fight his best friend

Jay: Correction Ex best friend. He not my friend anymore not after he decided to join you

Cole: Now calm down Jay

Jay: No I'm not going to calm down

Kai: Geese now I kinda wish I was the one that has to fight you.

With that Kai left I went after him as I'm done dealing with Jay tantrum but before I could though I had one more thing to say to him

Cole: Enough Of this Jay you can yell at me all you want but you are not yelling at Kai. He doing something that none of us can do and all your doing is acting like a child

Jay: A child!? You betrayed as for what? A guy who can shoot and control fire. You knew us for years but you decided to choose him.

Cole: I'm not dealing with this

With that I went after Kai who had most likely headed back to his room.

Cole Mind: This isn't going to end well

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