Chapter 5: Volcano Incident

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Kai Pov:

Time seem to move past faster than I thought. Mira have been teaching me her ways and even taunt me spinjitzu even though the first time I use it was a disaster.

*Flash Back*

Kai: So how long will it take for me to know spinjitzu?

Mira: Well it take time unless you are ready now

Kai: I'm always ready.

I then was able to use spinjitzu but it wasn't perfect and I ended up hitting a tree really hard.

Mira: *laughs*

Kai: I feel dizzy and my head hurts.

Mira: Aww you poor thing. You want mama to kiss it all better?

Kai: Shut Up

Mira: *laugh softy* I told you it will take time but you didn't want to listen. Now take this as a lesson, will you listen to me now?

Kai: Yes mom I will. I won't try to rush thing again

Mira: That a lie and you know it let just agree to disagree alright

Kai: Ok

*Flash Back Ends*

That was really embarrassing but hey I was able to get spinjitzu down now. She also started teaching me how to fight with a sword and even learn how to be sneaky and all of that type stuff.

She have taught me a lot about her tribe and she even taught me snake tongue and the dragon language. She also taught me how to read ancient languages as she said it will be important for me to learn as I might use it in the future.

It like she teaching me how to be ninja or an ancient warrior but that not what I been worry about as a lately. I started to notice how weak she have been getting and I been starting to get worry.
She told me that its nothing but it doesn't seem to be nothing to me.

Kai: Bye Mom I'm going to the volcano again

Mira: Ok sweety just be careful to not fall in. I don't want to find you all burn up and need ointment again.

Kai: Hey I didn't even fall it. Not my fault that lava is hot and had also decided to drop on my shoulder.

Mira: Ya and that because your lucky that your fire proof. Your also lucky it doesn't leave a nasty scar on your shoulder too.

Kai: Fine I promise I will be careful

Mira: Good now be back before sundown please.

Kai: I will

I then headed to the volcano. I been using the volcano as my training spot as a lately mainly because I learn that I can control lava a little bit. Now keep this in mind I am still the master of fire it just that I learn that I can push away lava so I been seeing if I can create anything from lava. I learn I can create fire from lava and create things from that fire but I want to see how far I can get with it.

When I enter the slave grounds I notice I wasn't alone. I saw other snakes there which made me freak out a little bit.

Kai Mind: Do they know I'm here? Do they know about mom? Oh please tell me they don't know anything about mom.

I love over to see they have a cage with a little boy in it. That is when I started getting flashbacks of when I was kidnap. The man would put me in a cage if I didn't listen to him and I started feeling horrible for the little boy.

Kai Mind: What am I going to do? So I go out there now and get the little boy out of there?

That is when I heard something. I look up and saw four ninja fighting the snakes. I also saw an oni. Mom always says that I should be careful if I ever run into an oni because most of them aren't friendly to say at least.

I watch all of them get into a fight with the serpentine and realize there elemental masters.

Kai Mind: Shoot just luck of course there elemental masters. I just need to be careful. I don't want anyone to see me.

I watch there fight happen and then I saw in horror that the little kid in the cage fell and landed on a rock. He was surrounded by lava and the place was collapsing. I also saw how the oni yelled for the boy as the elemental masters took him away.

Kai Mind: I am not letting a little kid die today.

That is where I appear from the shadows.

Lloyd: Help Someone Please Help Me

Kai: Hold On I got you.

I then jump down to where the boy was and grab him.

Kai: Lets get you out of here. The place is collapsing around us.

Lloyd: Who are you?

Kai: Just someone friendly that is happily to help you get out of here.

That I use the heat around me to form a fire shield around the  boy. I could tell the boy is scared but there wasn't much else I could do without risking the boy finding out more about me.

Kai: Don't worry I promise I won't hurt you. This will take you back to your oni father I promise.

Before the boy can say anything else I send him away and then got out of there myself.

No One Pov:

Everyone on the bounty were looking down when they saw a fire  orb came out of the volcano and landed on the bounty. When the fire disappeared they saw Lloyd there not hurt at all.

Everyone: LLOYD!?

They pull Lloyd into a hug before leaving.

Nya: What happen?

Lloyd: There was someone else there but I couldn't get a good idea who. They hid themselves really well even though they just help me. I'm not sure what he did but one minute he was holding me and the next I was in the air surrounded by fire.

Wu: Did you the a name or know what they look like?

Lloyd: No I didn't I just hope they got out of there ok

Cole: I'm sure they got out safely.

*Somewhere Else*

Kai: I'm back

*Get hit on the hit by a frying pan*

Kai: Ow what did I do?

Mira: I told you to be back before sundown it already getting dark.

Kai: I'm sorry something came up

Mira: *sigh* what am I going to do with you?

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