Chapter 3: Taking Him In

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Kai Pov:

Its been a few years sense mom found me. She tried her best to find my real family but no such luck and in the end she just decided to raise me.

She did an amazing job but of course I had to keep her secret of her being a snake.

She was really kind and powerful she was even able to teach me a few things but then my element appear. Both of us were in deep meditation when all of the sudden I decided to throw a punch that had some fire to it. My mom was in shock to say at least and I was freaking out.

Kai: Did I just shoot fire oh my gosh I shot fire. How did I do that?

Mira: It seem that I have taken in the child of fire. Man the faiths really hate me now do they

Kai: Is that a bad thing?

Mira: What oh no no no its not a bad thing I promise you that it just that people who are elemental masters don't really like snakes like me.

Kai: Why?

Mira: Well there was a huge war between snakes and humans. My kind try there best to stay away from the war but we were of course in the cross fire.

Kai: Is that why there not so many of you?

Mira: Yes I might be one of the few left that are alive. After the war my kind went into hiding but sense we couldn't have a proper place to call home we ended up dying one by one. Those who couldn't learn how to turn human or talk as a human wouldn't be able to survive for so long.

Kai: Oh I'm so sorry

Mira: Oh Kai this isn't your fault

Kai: But it has to be. I'm an elemental master of fire now so-

Mira: Just because the old elemental masters hurt my tribe due to a stupid war doesn't mean its your fault kai. Your the new elemental master of fire not the old one got it.

Kai: Yes I get it

Mira: Good now listen to me. I will teach you everything I know about your power and even show you my people secrets but you have to promise me something.

Kai: Ok what is it?

Mira: There will be a time that I will have to leave you. I want you to past down my secrets to people who are trusted and worthy. I don't want my kind to be remember for something they never did. I want them to be remember for what they had done for everyone before the war had happen do you understand?

Kai: Yes I understand and I promise I will past down everything to my own child when the time comes.

Mira: Thank you also it doesn't have to be your child you know. Just someone you trust and love, someone who will be there for you and all of that.

Kai: But I want to past this down from fire master to fire master. I would think it will be cool that every fire master have a connection to your tribe in a way you know?

Mira: *softly laughs* Yes I know but you don't have to do that if you don't want to alright? Just as long as you trust then and see them as family then I wouldn't mind you showing them my secrets.

Kai: I know so when will we start?

Mira: We will start tomorrow but I just want to ask you something. Are you sure you want this? If I show you my secrets and tell you everything you might see the world in a different type of light. There will be no turning back.

Kai: Yes I am sure I want this

Mira: Then this will start tomorrow now do you want to get something to eat? I have some money left over, I can take you somewhere nice.

Kai: Yes Please

Mira: *softly laugh* alright let's go then.

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