Chapter 12: First Challenge

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Kai Pov:

Everyone enter the place and I got to say the place looks pretty cool.

We all sit around in a circle while the master mind of the tournament aka Chen was sitting in the throne in front of all of us.

Chen: Welcome everyone its great to see you all. It great to see people from the master of water all the way to see an old pupil of mine. This is the tournament of the elemental masters. I call all of you here to see who is the most skill and the most worthy out of all of you.

Kai Mind: Ya right

Chen: The winner of the tournament gets to leave with great honor and a life supply of Chen Noodles but remember only one can remain.

With that guard started coming out and taking us to all of are rooms. When I enter my room. I saw the place was design to match my element but not only that they had a picture of mom in her human form and I.

Kai Mind: Where the hell did they get this? All of the photos that I had to mom were destroyed in a house fire a few months after she died and right after I found out the truth.

I decided to go outside to get some fresh air but what I didn't expect was to see the girl was here too.

We look at each other but I just look away only to see a blade up there.

Kai Mind: Why is there a-

Chan: Greeting Challengers the first challenge have started. We have hidden Jade blades all over the place. Its up to you to college one to go on the next challenge. There are only enough blades for all but one of you to make and remember only one can remain.

The girl then notice what I was looking as and attack me. I was able to get away from and and jump up before climbing upwards. The girl in the other hand who tried to do the same ended up slipping.

I grab her hand before making a choice.

Kai: Your lucky I'm a nice guy. You can have this one I will find another one.

With that I threw her up words so she can grab it before leaving. I knee time was running out fast and I didn't want to loose on the forest challenge.

That is when I found a blaze but someone else was there too.

Karlof: Karlof found blade first

Kai: Sorry dude but it seem that I found this blade first.

We book look at each other before the announcement came on.

Chan: It seem that all but one blade was found and there are two people left. Lets get on with the fighting and who ever brings me the blade moves onto the next round but who doesn't becomes a looser.

Kai: I am not losing

Karlof: Karlof hates losing

Kai: Then lets begin

We both jump to where the blaze was ready to fight each other to the death is we have to.

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