Chapter 10: Boat Ride

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Kai Pov:

I can't forgive them I just can't.

*Flash Back*

Kai: Mom are you ok? What happen? Your Leg it looks broken.

Mira: *Coughing* There seems to be a giant snake in the city *Coughing* I was in the cross-fire of the Lighting, Ice, and Water Ninja. *Coughing* If it wasn't for the Earth One I wouldn't be here

Kai: Oh my gosh you should sit down I can make dinner this time.

After that day she started getting weaker and weaker. It wasn't until she died when I found out what happen. Apparently during the fight with the great devourer, the ice ninja froze the ground making my mom slip and hurt her leg while she was trying to get away, the lightning ninja drop a part of a building on her and the water ninja made the dust and small particles go air born making her inhale the toxic fumes. I know what happen was an accident but at the same time I can't help but blame them for what they did.  If they were more careful with what they were doing or even look around to see if anyone was in the cross-fire that was trying to get away, I would of had my mom with me a little longer.

*Flash Back Ends*

Kai Mind: *sigh* it doesn't matter you can't change the past. It it wasn't for the earth ninja who saw my mom and got her away she woulda most likely died there that day. He the only ninja that I can trust as he the only one that seem to have not case any problems with me yet.

While waking around though I saw a girl that was over the boat rails. I just ended up joining her. I didn't say anything to her and kept my distance. After relaxing I turn to her before walking away.

I ended up going somewhere so I can meditate but I could feel eyes on me and I have a feeling that I know where there coming from.

No One Pov:

Jay: He call me a murder. A murder, I never killed anyone

Nya: He just seem to be a jerk you guys saw him throw Jay on the floor

Cole: Maybe there a reason for it.

Jay: Oh so your taking his side?

Cole: What no

Garmadon: Enough of this. If you guys want to find Zane you guys have to work together. Your ninja, you are a team.

Lloyd: Maybe I should go talk to him?

Garmadon: No don't that guy has already cause enough trouble it is. I don't want you to talk to him only for you to be told the same thing and maybe even hurt.

Lloyd: Fine

Kai Mind: That right just leave me alone after all why would I want to talk to a couple of murderers and the person who started it all.

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