Chapter 15: A Small Argument

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Kai Pov:

I ended up staying in my room until lunch came around. I haven't heard anything about the challenge today but I knew its going to happen soon. I enter the lunch hall to see the ninja were there.

Kai Mind: Great there here

I went to get lunch before sitting by myself. I could tell there talking about me but so just ignore them.

Cole Pov:

Jay: Still can't believe he your brother

Nya: I can't believe it ether but its him.

Jay: Man what a jerk

Cole: You don't know what happen to him in life so why are you judging him?

Jay: Oh and you think you do?

Cole: Jay that not what I meant

Jay: What is up with you and him. He yell at us but yet he has no problem with talking to you

Lloyd: Guys stop

Cole: Well maybe if I try to understand him and not judging half of the time then you might get somewhere

Nya: Guys I think you should settle down

Jay: We been trying but he won't lesson to us


Cole: Ya I agree

With that I got up from the group and headed to where the fire master was.

Cole Mind: I don't even know his name

Kai: You ok?

Cole: Ya I'm fine

Kai: No your not. You got into a fight with your friends and I'm guessing its about me.

Cole: *sigh* Jay is calling you names and I just kinda lost it

Kai: You don't have to stand up to me you know

Cole: I know

With that though the announcements came on about the next challenge and about who is going to fight.

Chen: Hello everyone I'm here to give the announcement on who going to fight today today the Speed Vs Gravity, Mind Vs Nature, And Water Vs Fire. If I call your element please come to the area and remember only one can remain.

Kai: It seem that I will be fighting my so call sister

Cole: Well I guess I can give you good luck

Kai: I don't need luck and also Kai is my name.

Cole: What?

Kai: I can tell you not knowing my name was killing you so I told you my name its only fair because I know you name Cole

Cole: Oh umm ya good luck Kai

Kai: *laugh softy* and like I said I don't need luck

Cole Mind: Right stupid stupid stupid

Kai: Also don't beat yourself up alright? See you later rocky

With that Kai gave me a kiss on my forehead before leaving. I could feel my face go red.

Cole Mind: What just happen

No One Pov:

Kai Mind: Why the hell did I kiss Cole? Oh my gosh he going to hate me now but I couldn't help it he was so cute. Ok ok forces. Fight now think about Cole later

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