Chapter 1: Missing

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No One Pov:

It was a normal day for the smith family. Kai was playing in the front yard with nya while both Ray and Maya were dealing with some in the blacksmith.

Kai had decided he played with Nya enough and took her back inside. He then went back out to collect the toys they left out there so they can play inside.

While doing that though a shadowly figure had decided to come out of the shadows and talk to the young boy.

After talking for a while the shadow man got up and pick up kai before running away.

Kai let out a huge scream and cries to try to get the attention of his mother or father but when his parents finally did come out the man was already in the woods.

Kai was still screaming and was trying to fight back but the man was able to knock the kid out before finally getting away.

Ray and Maya tried to find the man but the man was far gone and so were there son.

As soon as there son went missing though Nya knew something bad happen to him. She would keep crying for days on end none stop. It worry both of her parents but they didn't know what to do other than try to find there missing son.

This event had left Ray, Maya, and Nya would cry for weeks on end. They would be looking and looking and even go as far as asking people if they saw anything but they couldn't find them and in the end they knew they had lost kai forever.

Nya knew something was missing after that day and when her parents went missing she was on her own. She didn't understand what happen to them but she did knew one thing and that was they had to be alive out there somewhere.

Nya Mind: When I get stronger I will find out what happen to you all I promise.

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