Chapter 23: My New Family (Final)

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Kai Pov:

After my powers were taken away Chen wanted to talk to me.

Kai: You needed me?

Chen: Kai you made it

Kai: Yes I did now if you don't mind telling me why I am here. Is it because of blaze and Cole because if so I told you not to free them yet until after what ever your planing on doing with the powers because I don't want them hurt.

Chen: No its not about that it just that I'm shock is all

Kai: Shock?

Chen: When you came to this island you didn't care for anyone but getting your dragon out of here right?

Kai: Yes. I didn't care about anyone other than bring blaze home after all he what I have left of my mother.

Chen: Oh your mother huh?

Kai: Yes my adopted mother to be exact she was a snake after all

Chen: Your mother was a snake huh?

Kai: Yes she was but sadly she died and it was all but the earth ninja fault.

Chen: Is that why you care for him

Kai: It was at first. He save my mom once so I didn't want to hurt him but over time I just kinda like him.

Chen: I see but I came here to ask you to join me

Kai: Join you?

Chen: Yes join me and together we will be unstoppable

That is when one of Chen henchman came and told him that the green ninja was here and told me to just think about it.

Kai Mind: I'm sorry Lloyd but I hope you understand

I ended up leading Lloyd to his capture. Lloyd was in horror and had started yelling at me but I didn't care or at least I didn't want to but some of his words hurt.

I was also able to get Skylor in on my plan. I also told her to stay right next to me after I smash the staff because with her they can start the whole ritual again.

Then when the time came I was able to get the staff and smash it and just in time to because everyone that were capture was able to join us to the fight.

I made sure to keep skylor away from everyone a I knew how this will end and after that we won I ended up running up to Cole and gave him a hug

Kai: Your back your really back

Cole: Of course I'm back

Then we kiss and it was the best thing that happen to me. I was able to get Blaze out of there and at first people did not want to go near blaze but after a while people got warm up to him.

Chen and two of his guards got away but blaze was able to find them and tied them up. Zane taught all of us how to summon are dragons and everyone got what they wanted.

Nya: So your leaving

Kai: Yes I'm am

Cole: You could stay a little longer

Kai: *sign* Cole I love you I love you so much to the point I want to stay but everyone on your team hates me

Jay: Who say we hate you. Without you everything could of went horrible for us.

Lloyd: You gave all of us are powers back and help us stop and cage up Chen for good.

Zane: Not only that you are fire which is our missing peace to are team

Kai: But I thought I was nothing but someone that can get in the way of you guys

Cole: Your not

With that Cole pull me into a kiss which made my face turn bright red and everyone seem to be smirking

Cole: Your not in the way. I need you, the team needs you, even your sister needs you. Your family now rather you like it or not.

I look at everyone thinking they can't be serious but they were. I ended up breaking down for the first time in years because I finally found somewhere I can belong. I found my family.

In the end I started dating Cole, Blaze also live with us and it seem that Lloyd and him have been causing me nothing but trouble. I also learn that Lloyd was the kid that I save from the volcano long ago. I didn't believe them but after they explained how Lloyd looks older than he was made me shock. Lloyd also was shock and ended up hugging me. He even started crying and thanking me for saving his life.

Right now I'm getting ready to have a triple date with my friends. Zane is dating Pixal, Jay is dating Nya even though I want to know how he did it and I am dating Cole.

Life is good and I am finally happy again

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