Chapter 17: Today Was Exhausting

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Kai Pov:

After that fight I notice that Jay have been giving me the death stare and I wonder why. Did my sister have a special relationship with him or something?

Cole Pov:

Jay: This is all your fault

Cole: My fault!?

Jay: Don't think for a second I didn't notice how close you and that fire demon over there have been getting

Cole: Woah Woah calm down Jay

Jay: Why in the hell should I calm down your friend over there just taken out my girlfriend and now I might not even see her again because of it.

Lloyd: Jay that enough

Garmadon: Lloyd is right they want us to fight and not work as a team

Jay: Well it kinda to late for that now is it. Nya is gone because of him and now my best friend is working with the enemy

Cole: No I'm not Jay just lesson to me

Jay: No I done enough lessening to you

With that Jay grab me but that is when Kai appear and grab his arm.

Kai: What is going on here?


Kai: What!?

Jay: All nya wanted was to have her brother back and all you did was push her away and horrible to her for what huh

Cole: Jay I think that enough

Jay: Oh so your on his side now

Kai: Well maybe if you guys were more careful with what you been doing around the city then it maybe could of never happen but guess what your not. People get hurt and die under your guys watch so maybe you should do a better job at it.

Lloyd: Guys fighting isn't going to get us anywhere

Kai: The green ninja is right come on Cole let just leave them be

Jay: So you are on his side. What about us huh? What about your best friend and your family? We were a team dude.

Kai just grab me and got me away from them. I could tell Kai was worry about me and at the same time I feel like breaking down.

Kai then took me to his room and pull me into a hug he also whisper something in my ear.

Kai Whisper: There cameras everywhere. I'm sorry that I been acting a jerk to your team but I can't stop now mainly because this is to the only way I know to get close to Chen.

I just hug him before nodding my head a little bit.

Kai: I know its hard to keep everything so please let it out. Your human after all.

I couldn't help but bust into tears while hugging him. After a while though he took me to his bed and we started laying down together. He pull out a remote and a Tv had appear.

Kai: I can make some popcorn while you can choose something for us to watch.

I ended up choosing Avatar the last air bender. He brought popcorn for us to enjoy together while we watch. After watching a few episodes though I started to feel tired. I don't know if its because of how exhausted this day have been to me or me sleeping on a bed made of rock but I ended up closing my eyes and letting sleep take me.

Kai Pov:

I was watching Avatar when I felt arms rap around me. I turn to see Cole fast asleep trying to cuddle me. I smile and turn off the Tv before getting in bed properly. I also ended up cuddling up with Cole.

Kai Mind: Today was an exhausted day but at least at the end of it I get to cuddle with my crush.

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