Chapter 9: On Aboard

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Kai Pov:

I decided to wear my hoody and all so I won't stand out to people on the docs.

When I got there I notice a lot of other elemental masters here. Was I happy to see them no, do I want nothing to do with these people yes. I really don't like elemental users for the purpose of what happen in the past and there all but strangers that would try to stab you in the back any minute.

I tried to focus on my breathing and been trying to think of a plan to find an bring blaze home. I know this is a trap of some sort mainly because of who this person is.

Chan aka the person that started the Serpentine war with the humans. He trick the snakes in to believing the humans would attack first and that is where this whole war started.

That is when I heard a group of people that I never wanted to see. I turn around to see the ninja there..

Kai Mind: Great it the Ninja. Why are they here?

Now I don't like the ninja that much. Shocker I know. I don't like them because of many reasons. The first reason is because there the reason why the whole Serpentine incident happen. Then after that it seem that every bad incident that happen seem to be connected to the ninja in a way. The second reason is because of there Sensei Wu. Wu and Garmadon have cause there fair share of problems in the past. There are other reason too like they almost got my mom killed but those are stories for a later date.

Then that is when the boat had finally arrived and everyone had decided to get on bored. I didn't want to be bother by anyone but at the same time I didn't want to loose eye on the ninja because who knows what there planing.

I decided to sit near the ninja but also far away so they won't notice me spying on them but I ended up falling asleep.

Cole Pov:

Jay: There were other elemental masters Why haven't Wu or you told us?

Garmadon: It was because your guys weren't ready it was also because it was dangerous for you to know at the time.

Cole: What about that one?

*Points to Kai who was sleeping on the chair*

Cole: What element does he have?

Garmadon: That I am not sure of. I haven't seen him before.

Jay: I'm going to go say hi

Nya: Umm Jay I don't think that a good idea.

But Jay was already over there. Before Jay could even touch him though it seem the guy woke up and grab his arm and threw him over his shoulder onto the ground

Kai: What The Hell Man? I was trying to sleep.

Jay: I-

Kai: Shut it I don't want to talk to any of you Murderers

Jay: Murderers!?

Cole: Umm what is going on here

Kai: Nothing just keep him away from me

With that guy got up and left but I was wondering what does he mean murderers?

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