Chapter 19: Heart to Heart

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Kai Pov:

*Knock* * Knock* *Knock*

Cole: Kai can I come in?

Kai: You may

Cole: I'm sorry for what Jay Say it just that-

Kai: I know and I don't blame him but that not important. I'm worry about you

Cole: About me?

Kai: Your be fighting on of your bestest friends. It doesn't mater if your not on good terms right now it has to suck. Not that but depending on who wins the fight will effect ether me or the green ninja

Cole: What do you mean?

Kai: If you win the fight Jay will taken away. Lloyd won't have someone to keep an eye on him or be by his side. You know the reason why I can't be by his side but if he wins. I loose you. It's hard to say at least but this is your choice

Cole: My choice?

Kai: *sigh* your be fighting no matter what but I know you will win. It up to you if you want to win or give the win to Jay. I won't me mad on your choice and will respect it I promise you that

Cole: So this is my choice huh. I don't want to leave you but at the same time I don't want Jay to loose. I knows what happen to those who loose

Kai: You do?

Cole: There powers get taken away

Kai: There powers? *Laughs*

Cole: Why are you laughing?

Kai: Your element isn't your greatest weapon so even if they take your powers away they don't take your mind, or your strategy, or  everything that make you will you. Your power doesn't make you special.

Cole: Wow Kai that really wise

Kai: Thanks my mom. My adopted mom would say that to me a lot when I was first trying out my powers.

Cole: She sound wise

Kai: She was but she was also a snake

Cole: A Snake!?

Kai: Ya a snake she was part of a dying tribe that wasn't part of the serpentine war. Her tribe went into hiding among the humans after the war had started. They didn't want to harm innocents but at the same time didn't want to be seen as traders so they hid.

Cole: You were raise by a snake?

Kai: Yup shocker I know but she was the best mom I could have ever ask for. She even save my life when we first met.

Cole: She save it huh?

Kai: I don't know what nya has told about me but I was kidnap way before my "parents" went missing. She found me before things got bad. She tried to find my family but a others wasn't so much luck to it.

Cole: Well she sounds like a wise and brave snake to take you in.

Kai: She was I just wish she didn't leave me so soon

Cole: I wish the same for my mother. She died when I was a young age and she was pretty much the glue to my family. When she past everything just fell apart.

Kai: I'm sort that happen to you Cole no one should feel the pain of losing a family member but sadly it happens a lot in are world and all we can really about it is be there for them.

Cole: .......

Kai: Now let's get ready your fight is about to start soon and I want to see what choice you make in the end

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