Chapter 2: Meeting Mira

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No One Pov:

The Shadow man ended up taking Kai to a slave camp to where he wanted to make Kai his slave. Of course this didn't work out too much as Kai was able to get away from the man before they even made it to the slave camp.

There Kai had to start living alone while trying to find his way back home. He would walk for hours if not days trying to find his way home as he wanted to see his family again. Then he appear again.

The shadow man ended up finding Kai and had try to grab the kid again but what both of them didn't hear was a slithering of a snake near by.

Shadow Man: Are you coming with me brat your mine and there for I get to do whatever I want to you

Kai: No let go of me

Shadow Man: If you like running so much I might as well break you legs to make sure you don't run off again

That is when the man grab Kai leg ready to break it. Kai was screaming and crying for help, for anyone to help him but then she appear.

???: What are you doing to that child?

Shadow Man: Oh hello there hello there madam I was just taking my son out for a walk when he decided to try and make a scene.

???: Uh Huh are you ok

Kai: No He trying to Kidnap me Please help me

Shadow Man: Shut up kids these days always have crazy imagination

???: Hmmm

With that the kind young lady transformed into a large snake person. The shadow man look at the snake on horror as if it was a demon in disguise.

The snake ended up grabbing the man by the neck making him drop kai. Kai who was scared before is now petrified. He is trying to back away from the snake and the man without them even noticing.

???: If I see you ever harm or kidnap a child again I will make sure to find you and to kill you

Shadow Man: Y-Y-Y


Shadow Man: Y-Yes Madam

???: Good Now LEAVE

With that she then drop the man. The man look up before getting on his feet and left. The snake then turn to the child.

Kai: Noo Noo Please don't hurt me

???: Oh I'm so sorry that I scared you. I didn't mean to. I won't hurt you I just want to bring you home. Do you know where your house is?

Kai: *Shakes Head*

Mira: *Sigh* I was Afraid of that. Oh where are my matters my name is Mira its nice to meet you kid. Can you tell me your name?

Kai: M-My name is K-Kai

Mira: Well Hello Kai its nice to meet you. Do you want to come with me?

Kai: Please

With that Mira turn back into her human self before talking the kid by the hand. She tried to find the kids parents but couldn't so from now on she knew she had to protect this child with all cost.

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