Chapter 20: Lightning Vs Earth

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Kai Pov:

I got him ready for the fight. I made sure he ate his favorite food and even got some good night rest.

I don't know what Jay is doing but I am making sure Cole get everything he deserves before he makes his final decision.

Kai: You ready?

Cole: As ready as I ever would

I then pull Cole into a hug as this could be are final hug.

Kai: I hope you have made your choice in all of this and remember whatever choice you make I was the most happiness man alive to ever met you.

I than kiss him on the lips for the first time. I could tell he was shock but he did ended up kissing back. I then pull away and gave him a smile.

Kai: Have you made your choice yet?

Cole: I think I had and I'm sorry if it's the one you don't like

Kai: Its alright if you stay or go I won't care but I will wait for you

Cole: Thank you Kai

With that Cole left to the area

Kai Mind: I'm sorry too for what is about to happen

Cole Pov:

I ended up going in when Jay just attack me. I look at him before giving me a smile.

I then control the earth around me and made Jay loose his footing. People were cheering me on but I don't want this.

Jay tried to shock me but I was able to get out of the way and grab his arm. He look at me in horror as I threw him into a wall

Cole: What are we even doing we were brothers Jay just look around

Jay: Ya we were before you took his side

Cole: I was never on him side in the first place. There were no sides. We were helping each other. Kai went threw things and so did I.

Jay: Ya sure helping

The fighting for a while I had Jay under me. He was trying to get away but I was holding down.

Cole: I never wanted to fight you. Kai didn't want me to do this ether. Can I please just have my brother back. I just want things to be the same as they were even before the whole incident with Nya. You wouldn't even look at me the same but there was something I never told you and that was I never like girls in the first place. I only like guys.

Jay: Wait you never wanted to take Nya from me

Cole: No I didn't

He then kick me off. I got up from my feet ready to fight him again.

Cole: Can I just please have my brother back.

Jay: Oh Cole

With that Jay ran forward. I was about to attack him again but he pull me into a hug. I hug back but then Chan got angry and had started trying to make one of us drop.

I went to go get the blade before throwing to to Jay.

Jay: You gave me the blade.

Cole: Yes I did

With that I pull Jay in a hug and whisper in his ear.

Cole whispers: Kai told me my choices and what it could do to Lloyd. I didn't want to loose you but at the same time only one can remain. You may not trust Kai but he gave me his word that he will help your guys as long as it doesn't effect his plan

Jay Whisper: What plan?

With that I move away and look at Kai giving him a nod. Kai knew what I ment and gave me a nod to before I drop down and everything just went black.

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