Chapter 13: Winner Is.....

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No One Pov:

Everyone was looking at the entrance wondering who had just won that fight. Then they all saw someone coming from the place.

Karlof: Karlof wow that fight easy. Karlof got Jade Blade.

When Karlof hold it up though a boy cover of fire appear and took the blade from his hands before jumping out of the way and using the fire around him to make wings.

He then place the blade down to where it was before turning to everyone.

Kai: Rule number one of fighting never put your guard down or else the enemy would take the advantage of it.

Karlof: You cheated how did Karlof not beat you?

Kai: It was simple had to make you feel like you were winning and when your guard was down I could take the blade a way. I never cheated after all there aren't any rules.

Chen: The master of fire is right

Karlof: Fine Karlof face defeat but Karlof will return

Chen: No You won't because your a loser

That is when the floor open up and took Karlof with him making everyone but the girl and Kai go in shock

Chen: Remember what I said only one can remain.

Kai: And the loser goes

Chen: That right fire master now everyone is dismiss

Cole Pov:

We all decided to head to Nya room to talk about what had happen at the first challenge.

Jay: what the heck was that all about?

Nya: I don't know

Garmadon: It seem that the missing element of fire had finally return

Cole: What do you mean?

Garmadon: Has my brother ever told you about your missing member?

Jay: Wait we had a missing member?

Nya: Ya we did. The master of fire was suppose to have taken my place but he went missing long ago but if he is the master of fire than he my missing brother

Cole: Wait you had a brother!?

Nya: Yes I did but he went missing as well as my parents. If he here maybe he would know where are parents are

Garmadon: Before you talk to him though I need to tell you something. He hates the ninja

Lloyd: What do you mean he hate the ninja? If he are missing member shouldn't he oh I don't know not hate us?

Jay: Ya besides why does he hate us?

Garmadon: Well I had a small talking to him before we got on the island and he told me that the reason why he hate you guys is because you guys apparently make someone important to him died faster than they should of.

Lloyd: What does that mean?

Garmadon: I'm not sure

Nya: Maybe I should talk to him. He is my missing brother after all. He could lesson to me.

Jay: Oh maybe attack you. Nya are you sure this guy is your brother?

Nya: Yes he is.

Cole: Then we will come with you.

Nya: Thank you

We all got up and headed to Nya brother room and knock on his door. When he open it and saw it was us he tried to shut it on us

Nya: Wait I just want to talk to you

Kai: Why would I talk to some murderers?

Jay: This again we didn't kill anyone or at least we only killed the bad guys

Kai: So my mother was a bad guy good to know

He then tried to shut the door again but I grab it. He look at me before letting out a huge sigh.

Kai: I don't want to talk to anyone specifically you guys

That is when the guards started coming over and told us that we all need to head to are rooms.

I look at the fire master who just gave everyone but me the death stare. When he look at me though his eyes became soften.

Cole Mind: Why does he look at everyone else like he wants to kill them but when he looks at me he doesn't?

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