Chapter 13 Thinking Out Loud

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Chapter 13 Lauren's POV
"Hunter asked me to marry him yesterday." I said at breakfast with my track partner Kelsey. She chocked on her drink, "HE WHAT!? I THOUGHT YOU GUYS WERE DONE." "I really want you to understand why he did it. We never stopped loving each other, and when you realize that moment when it should happen, it will happen." I said for her trying to understand what's happening between me and him. He proposed because he needed me more than I need him and trust me that's not a bad thing, but I need him way more. I've spending way to long being mad at him, and now I just realize what he did for me was something most men wouldn't do for their girl. "He asked me on a date tonight, but he told me not to wear anything fancy," "Lauren, don't you think you married him to fast? You guys just got together after not seeing each other for 3 years." Kelsey said still trying to gain a better understanding. I thought about it. I smiled and looked at her with pride,"No."

I put on a UCLA long sleeve shirt with blue jeans and my blonde hair in a pony tale. I don't really like to dress fancy because I don't do that kinda stuff. I slipped my black converses on and walked to the UCLA track field. I walked on the red track feeling the ground beneath my feet, I love the feel of it. "So this is where you run." I turned around as Hunter walked towards me with his hands in my pocket. I smiled,"yes. This is where I train." I looked at the track again,"before we start track practice, we run 8 laps around the track under 10 minutes." I looked down,"then after that, we run the 100 meter, 200 meter, 400 meter, 800 meter, 1600, and the 3200 every practice." I smiled and looked at the ground,"the funny thing is I never get tired of doing it, it makes me happy." "I bet I could beat you." Hunter said, I looked at him,"is that a challenge?" "1 lap around the track, if I win, you have to kiss me." I nodded,"now if I win, you have to take that shirt off." I responded quickly. He nodded agreeing,"deal." He shook my hand as I began to laugh. We walked to the start line,"ready?" "GO!" Hunter yelled running. I jogged while Hunter was sprinting his heart out. I laughed because he's going to get tired because he doesn't know how to pace himself. He was ahead of me by a lot,"HA! IM WINNING!" He yelled. Not for long. I started speeding up, controlling my breathing along the way, before I knew it, I was right behind him, then in front, then in front of him about 100 yards. I crossed the line as I looked back as Hunter still needed to turn the last corner. I laughed as he came across out of breathe,"You cheated." He responded,"take that shirt off!" "Sheesh, I was going to do that anyway." He took his shirt off showing his abs. I looked away blushing. I turned as Hunter was walking towards me,"Lauren, I really am sorry." I rolled my eyes,"Hunter, I didn't realize it." I started playing with my hands as I could feel Hunter close, he grabbed my left hand and slid a ring. I looked up in shock,"I bought it this morning." He said. I tried hard to not cry,"I have the other one at home, but it doesn't compare to this one. I know there was a mistake, but it never stopped me for loving you. Every night of those 3 years I just close my eyes because I might see your face. I just close my mouth because I might hear your voice. I just close me ears because I might hear of you, but I could not close my heart because I loved you. Asking you to marry me yesterday after fighting was the only way for me to know how much you loved me." He finished as his blue eyes looked at me,"I'm not going to home." I nodded my head 'no' crying. "You can't do that." "I can. I will. Those 3 years were the most hardest years I have ever had. Even though we fell apart, it only made me love you stronger than ever. I was thinking out loud at that moment of time." I wiped my eyes from crying and laughed. I placed my hands on Hunter's chest to feel him, he's so tense, nervous. I know his heart stopped when he felt my hands on his body. "You're so tense." I said quietly,"only because I held that in for 3 years." He responded before kissing me.

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