Chapter 41 Thinking Out Loud

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Chapter 41 Hunter's POV
"She doesn't even want me to wear a tuxedo, she just wants me, no, ALL OF US to wear the vest that's underneath." I complain as I looked in the mirror wearing an all white tuxedo. "Hunter you look great." I turned around as Matt, Sam, Devo, Steve, Andy, and Justin came walking out wearing all white tuxedos too. I couldn't help, but to laugh. Hard. "You guys look splendid." I joked as I caught my breathe. There was tons of people where we were at taking photos, screaming my name... Everything was starting to make me nervous. I was all exited and now I don't feel good. I looked at the fans as some seemed mad, some seemed happy. I need to get out of here, get of this suit. I couldn't breathe. "I need to get air." I said as I looked at the back door and made my way to it. I pushed it opened and fell forward. I quickly got up as I got the suit completely dirty. Shoot. I rolled my eyes as I didn't care at this time. I sat down on the curb and ran my fingers through my hair. I heard the door open behind me as Matt sat down next to me,"you alright? For a minute you were exited, now you're stressed." "Getting married wouldn't be what I thought it was going to be." "What do you mean?" "It's scary. New chapter in your life. It's like, selling yourself to one person for the rest of your life." "Don't you think Lauren is more nervous than you are?" I shrugged,"she's going to look so beautiful it's going to make me more nervous." Matt wrapped his arm around me,"I've known you for all my life. I've seen you get nervous before: concerts, talk shows, meet and greets, this should be nothing to you. You're ready for this, I've never seen you like this with a girl before. It's like, Lauren changed you. I know she's more nervous than because she always wants to impress you, she loves you so much and it's so noticeable. You love her. I know you're ready to spend the rest of you're life with her." I looked at him as he made me feel a lot better,"want to be my best man?" I asked. Matt backed up as his eyes widened,"best man? Like, BEST MAN?" I laughed and nodded,"DUDE! YES!" He gave me hug and laughed as I smiled. I stood up as he did the same,"what happened to your suit?" I looked down at it as I remembered when I fell,"I fell while opening the door." He laughed,"only you."

I started humming "Someday Girl" as I walked down the streets with my hands in my pockets. It was night, nobody was walking like me, no cars, only here and there. I was just thinking about a lot of stuff. Do I want to get married? Should I run from this? Fans asking for more incredible music? It's so hard when all this pressure is put on you. Was it wrong asking Lauren to marry me? No don't say that Hunter. "Goodbye, hoping, and waiting. You're my someday girl." I sang out loud. The more I kept singing it, the more it made think of how I did ask her to marry me: she makes me happy. I should have asked her to marry me a long time ago. "So you and Lauren huh?" I turned around and didn't see anyone. I must being hearing voices in my head, I looked harder to see if there was someone ACTUALLY there. I turned back around and continued walking. I feel like there is someone behind me, I turned around and walked to where I heard it. I saw him. A tall white guy with blonde hair,"Jake?" I questioned. He's the guy that's head over heels over Lauren. He tried kissing her when she was leaving, tried asking her out, but Lauren never approved. I remember Lauren talking about him, "why are you here? Shouldn't you be in California?" "I have family who live up here." I rolled my eyes and walked away. I honestly don't have time for him, he's a player and just likes to get pleasure. You can tell by the man he is, way he acts,"I can't believe she said yes. TO YOU." He yelled behind me. I continued walking trying REALLY hard to ignore him. Block everything out Hunter. "I DONT WANT EASY I WANT LAUREN IS WHAT YOU FELT BEFORE SHE HAD A MISCARRIAGE-" I turned around  in frustration. I had a enough, I walked up to him and punched him with so much might. He stumbled backwards as I walked up to him, pushed him as he fell to the ground. I got on top and kept punching him. "YOURE A BAD MAN AND YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING!" "WOAH WOAH WOAH!" Someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me off. All I could see was red and only anger. I spit at him as I was held back. Two police officers broke us up as one was getting the one on the floor as the other had me...

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